Health Care


Consider the impact culturally incompetent care has on patients and the healthcare system. Review the Chapter 11 Conclusion and Summary on pages 151 and 152. Answer Question 5 in the Chapter problems, page 153.

Sample Solution

opponents. This could have been because only prevailing norms of antisocial behaviour within the team can influence a highly identifying team member to act antisocially towards the opposition (i.e., behavioural standards of group members) (Bruner et al., 2014). In addition, ingroup ties and ingroup affect did not predict prosocial behaviour toward opponents. Infrequent opportunity for such acts could have accounted for this finding.
The major strengths of these studies are that they have included both prosocial and antisocial behaviours and a wider range of behaviours likely to occur in their sport thus, giving more complete understanding of socio-moral conduct in sport context. The bias to appear socially and morally desirable was also considered and social desirability bias test was conducted in most of the studies (Rutten et al., 2007; Kavussanu, 2006). However, some studies (Hardy & Carlo, 2005), ignored this factor and it is important to carefully consider the findings.
Though these studies have shown that positive influence of coach-athlete and team on moral behaviours of athletes, it is important to consider that most of the studies conducted were self-reported. There are high possibilities that these scores could have been different from the scores reported by the researcher through observation. These studies focused mostly on a single sport (i.e. football, rugby) which effects its generalisability to other sport type. There is also a possibility of gender bias as in some studies only male athletes were considered (Rutten et al., 2010; Kavussanu, 2006) thus the findings of these studies cannot be generalised to other female athletes.
Sport type
There have been limited studies that have considered different types of sport and its impact on the development of prosocial or antisocial behaviour in athletes. There are different types of sport namely, individual (Athletics) -team (soccer), contact (taekwondo)- noncontact (swimming). Rutten et al. (2007), in his study with competitive swimmers and soccer players examined whether different sports type differ in its impact on prosocial and antisocial behaviours of athletes. The study found that there were no effect of sport type on the prosocial and anti-social behaviours of the athlete.
On the contrary, Rutten et al. (2010) in his study with athletes from two individual sports (athletics-non contact and taekwondo-contact) and two team sports (soccer-contact and basketball) found that soccer players reported the higher levels of antisocial behaviour followed by basketball players while athletes performing individual sports (athletics and taekwondo), displayed the lowest levels of antisocial behaviour. This could be possibly because of the legitimacy of aggressive behaviour that is greater in contact sport when compared to non-contact sports.

However, the lower levels of antisocial behaviour in Taekwondo performing athletes is surprising in spite of it being a contact sport and the athletes win only when they beat their opponents physically. Discipline and self-regulation found inherent to most of the martial arts could have contributed to such results. Sporting activities itself or the environmental factors related to distinctions between contact and non-contact sports, team and individual sports can effect the relations between type of sport and degree of antisocial behaviour (Kavussanu et al., 2006). Also the role of opponent can also frustrate the athlete lead to antisocial behaviour. Also, these findings are limited to specific sport mentioned in the study as the behaviours measured were explicitly based on behaviours likely to occur in that sport.


Based on the studies reviewed, Sport was found to promote pros

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