Health care policy related to health care access and tell how it relates




1. Describe one health care policy related to health care access and tell how it relates. How does the policy address health equities and disparities?

2. Explain which segment(s) of the Public Health Nursing Wheel relates to the effects of economics/health care access and health care policy you just described. That is, tell which outer segment(s) and which segment(s): Systems-focused, Community-focused, Individual-focused, Population-Based/Case Finding, or Population-Based. (Your response may be one or more segment(s).)

The Public Health Intervention Wheel is found at The Minnesota Department of Health at

3. Visit Healthy People 2030 Priorities at List the three priority areas for Healthy People 2030. Read about social determinants on the same Healthy People 2030 website. Describe two social determinants of health that directly relate to the three priority areas for Healthy People 2030.


Sample Solution

One health care policy related to health care access is the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. The ACA was signed into law in 2010 and has since expanded health insurance coverage to millions of Americans. The ACA also prohibits discrimination in health insurance based on pre-existing conditions and requires insurers to cover a set of essential health benefits.

The ACA has had a significant impact on health equities and disparities in the United States. Prior to the ACA, uninsured rates were much higher among racial and ethnic minorities, low-income Americans, and people with pre-existing conditions. The ACA has helped to reduce these disparities by making health insurance more affordable and accessible to everyone.

According to a study published in the journal JAMA, the ACA reduced the uninsured rate among black Americans by 17.8 percentage points between 2010 and 2016. The study also found that the ACA reduced the uninsured rate among Hispanic Americans by 14.7 percentage points and the uninsured rate among low-income Americans by 13.8 percentage points.

The ACA has also helped to improve access to health care for people with pre-existing conditions. Prior to the ACA, many people with pre-existing conditions were unable to obtain health insurance or were forced to pay high premiums. The ACA prohibits discrimination in health insurance based on pre-existing conditions and requires insurers to cover a set of essential health benefits, including preventive care, mental health care, and prescription drugs.

According to a study published in the journal Health Affairs, the ACA led to a significant increase in the number of people with pre-existing conditions who were able to obtain health insurance. The study found that the number of people with pre-existing conditions who had health insurance increased by 11.5 million between 2010 and 2016.

  1. Explain which segment(s) of the Public Health Nursing Wheel relates to the effects of economics/health care access and health care policy you just described. That is, tell which outer segment(s) and which segment(s): Systems-focused, Community-focused, Individual-focused, Population-Based/Case Finding, or Population-Based.

The Public Health Nursing Wheel is a model that illustrates the different roles and responsibilities of public health nurses. The wheel is divided into two main sections: the inner circle and the outer circle. The inner circle represents the individual and the family. The outer circle represents the community, the population, and the systems that influence health.

The effects of economics/health care access and health care policy relate to the outer segments of the Public Health Nursing Wheel, specifically the community-focused, population-based/case finding, and population-based segments.

Community-focused public health nurses work to improve the health of communities by identifying and addressing health needs, developing and implementing community health programs, and advocating for policies and programs that support the health of the community.

Population-based/case finding public health nurses focus on identifying and addressing the health needs of specific populations, such as low-income families, racial and ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. They also work to identify and prevent disease outbreaks and other public health threats.

Population-based public health nurses work to improve the health of the entire population by developing and implementing population-wide health programs and policies. They also work to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs and policies.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a health care policy that has had a significant impact on the health of communities, populations, and systems. The ACA has expanded health insurance coverage to millions of Americans, including many people who were previously uninsured due to their economic status, race or ethnicity, or pre-existing condition. The ACA has also helped to improve access to health care for people with pre-existing conditions.

Public health nurses play an important role in implementing and evaluating the ACA. They work with communities to identify and address health needs, develop and implement community health programs, and advocate for policies and programs that support the health of the community. Public health nurses also work to identify and address the health needs of specific populations, such as low-income families, racial and ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. Additionally, public health nurses work to develop and implement population-wide health programs and policies, and to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs and policies.

Here are some specific examples of how public health nurses can work to address the effects of economics/health care access and health care policy:

  • Community-focused public health nurses can work with communities to identify and address barriers to health care access, such as lack of transportation, lack of affordable childcare, and lack of cultural competency among


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