Demonstrate sound ethical thinking in applying ethical principles and moral theories to a specific problem.
What are the reasons you think it is the most important (or among the most important problems)?
What is the cause, or set of causes, for this problem? That is, how did it come to be and why does it persist?
Apply ethical theories and principles to the selected ethical problem.
What are the ethical principles (and perhaps moral theories) most relevant to understanding this problem as an ethical issue?
Analyze the ethical problem from the perspectives of various stakeholders.
Who are the key stakeholders when it comes to this problem? In other words, who are the health care consumers (for example, patients or clients) and health care professionals (such as doctors, nurses, administrators) affected by the problem?
Are there other stakeholders, such as community or government groups? Are there any institutional policies or legal or regulatory considerations that affect the problem?
Is there a conflict of interest at the heart of this problem? If so, what is the conflict and who are the stakeholders with competing interests?
Assess the policy, legal, and regulatory components to the ethical problem.
Which communities or regions does it affect most? Is this a localized problem or a national problem?
What legal and regulatory issues have an influence on this problem?
Are there institutional policies that have an effect on this problem?
Develop a solution to the ethical problem based on ethical theories and principles.
What is the best solution to this problem and why? Or, what are the best resources for solving this problem? How did you come to this decision?
For the second matter it must be established what the impact of the publication would be on an ‘ordinary reader at the time of publication.’ Here one looks at the ‘prominence of the article in the publication’ , and ‘the novelty of the content of the article in the context of likely readers of that publication.’
Finally, ‘the residual impact of the publication on a notional juror at the time of trial’ was named as a crucial matter by the judge. For the assessment of this criteria, the judge created three factors that must be taken into consideration; ‘the length of time between publication and the likely date of the trial, the focusing effect of listening over a prolonged period to evidence in a case, and the likely effect of the judge’s directions to a jury.’ The first two criteria are also known as the ‘fade-factor’; which is the assumption that possible prejudicial publication will have a smaller impact if there is more time between the publication of the article and the start of the trial.
Active proceedings
The proceedings become active when someone becomes a key suspect. This means that the case can be active before the suspect has officially been charged with a crime. Criminal cases, are generally active from the moment a suspect is arrested or a warrant has been issued.
In AG v MGN & Newsgroup the question arose whether there could still be a case of contempt of court if a publication was published when the trial was active, but the case never went to court. The case concerned a Christopher Jefferies who had been arrested for the murder of Joanna Yeates. He was depicted as a possible paedophile and murderer and the article suggested him as the Joanna’s murderer. The publications were published after Jefferies had been arrested, however he was released and another man was arrested and convicted for the murder. The question was whether there could still be a serious risk of prejudice to the proceedings, despite the fact that Jefferies’ case had never gone to court. The judge held that the ‘vilification of a suspect under arrest’ still fell within the ambit of section 2(2) of the CCA 1981, due to the fact that it could discourage possible witnesses from stepping forward with information. The integr