Health problem/improve health.


Create an original goal statement (1-2 sentences) that addresses a way to improve the health problem/improve health. It must follow the structure as described below by being concise, measurable, specific, and realistic. In addition, it must include the following:
Who is the target population? All citizens of country does not represent a specific target population.
What is the health problem? Choose just one problem to address in your one
How much change (represented by a percent) do you anticipate? Tip: A 10% change within 10 years is a realistic goal for developed nations, such as the U.S. If your country is developing, then you may expect less change in 10 years.
By when will the change occur? This should be represented by a specific end date, not a range.
Realism. If you are unsure about a goal’s realism, I recommend you review goal statements from Healthy People 2020: (Links to an external site.)) (Links to an external site.)
Example goal statement for the problem of Hearing loss among German elderly adults, leading to social isolation:
Our goal is to improve the identification of hearing loss in elderly adults. German adults between the ages of 70 – 85 (who) will experience an increase hearing screenings (what) by 10% (how much) within the next 10 years (by when).
Notice the goal statement includes the 4 required components: who, what, how much, and by when. It is also realistic.

Sample Solution

Despite mounting evidence of patient safety issues and gaps between what patients receive and what they should receive, initiatives to enhance healthcare quality have largely yielded variable and patchwork results. 1–3 Explaining why and, in particular, identifying the hurdles and enablers to improvement are becoming increasingly popular. 4 and 5 Formal evaluations of programs to improve healthcare quality are one potentially significant source of learning. The Health Foundation, an independent organisation dedicated to improving healthcare quality in the United Kingdom, has compiled a substantial portfolio of similar programs (table 1). The scope and remit of the programs have diverged.

t. For instance, based on maximising wellbeing if doctors took decisions to use one persons organs to save five other people that would cause people to not trust care givers. There would be no trust that people are obeying rules if the comman man would just make decisions that allowed any kind of violations of law or cheating for sake of maximising good.

Bernard Williams argued consequentialism required impartiality which focuses on consequences of action and this requirement deprives an individual of their own integrity because the concept of utilitarianism doesn’t differentiate in a person themselves bringing about an outcome vs someone else producing an outcome.

Practically rule consequentialism proves to maximise utility in situations such as traffic rules. It would be safer if everyone followed rules like ‘no drunk driving or speed limit.’ Hence its safer to follow rule utility over act utility in such cases. Act utility would give room for individuals to determine the best action.

A rule based system leads to greater overall utility because people are capable of having bad judgement. Having specific rules to follow maximizes utility by not relying on the drivers’ judgments that could possibly endanger others or themselves too. For instance, based on an individual drivers’ judgements not following the road stop signs over some emergency could endanger many. The stop sign would distinctly set the rule and tell drivers to stop and does not allow them to calculate whether it would be better to stop or not.

Rule consequentialism avoids criticisms of act consequentialism. According to critics, act consequentialism approves of actions that can be wrong, undermine justice, undermine basic trust among people, and its demanding because it requires people to make sacrifices.

Rule consequentialists avoids underming trust because they do not evaluate individual actions

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