According to Airhihenbuwa, “negative enablers” are sociocultural factors that impede the adoption of a desired health behavior.
Please share with the class which cultural group you chose for your SLP and provide some examples of negative enablers that might influence the health behaviors of members of that cultural group. How might they lead to health disparities? Be specific — provide an example
The role and responsibility of the media in eradicating social isolation, promoting cultural harmony and leading the charge in truth-telling.
In this era of extreme political polarization, affronts to human rights, flagrant bigotry and actual denial of cold, hard facts – the power of the Mainstream Media as a tool of social connectedness has never been more important.
Due to the slashing of much-needed social service programs, and the relentless deceitful talking points being trotted out by the Trump administration since the President took office in 2017, socio-economic and cultural divides are being drawn more clearly. Despite the connectivity that the Internet can bring, a national crisis of social isolation has resulted from this divide scenario.
This cultural disconnect can create apathy regarding impactful polices and available resources in neighboring communities. Lower-income communities are often represented in the media as if they offer no value other than providing salacious stories of violence and drugs for late-night news. The targeted misrepresentation of low-income and vulnerable communities can lead to their being consistently undervalued and overlooked for proper allocation of funds and resources.
We can do better. And, I think there is way through and I look to you, Mainstream Media, for your support. You have been leading the charge with holding this Administration accountable. And, the bar needs to be raised one rung higher. Now is the time to tell all of our cultural stories, highlight our successes, and be bold in your truth-telling. We will continue to protest, tweet, kneel, and make our voices heard while injustice continues unabated.
Truth will guide us like a lighthouse through the storm of this purposely-perpetuated chaos.
“Isolation and loneliness are central causes of depression and despair.” – bell hooks
Currently, social isolation has resulted from a marriage of technology with a strategic agenda of fear and exclusion. In an age where media and personal connections can be accessed in the b