You work within a healthcare organiza!on as the director of quality, and your chief compliance officer has asked you to create
a memo to be distributed to the en!re organiza!on. They have asked that the memo focus on how an organiza!on can be#er
manage risk to the revenue cycle and healthcare reimbursement by examining ways to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse.
Create a memo to assess how the following laws and regula!ons can help a healthcare organiza!on reduce fraud, waste, and
abuse and thereby manage risk to the revenue cycle and reimbursement. Also, recommend strategies and technology to help
an organiza!on abide by the laws and regula!ons. Refer to the following laws and regula!ons to guide your response:
False Claims Act
Physician Self-Referral Law
An!-Kickback Statute
An!-Trust Laws
You may refer to the “Ac!vity Reading” resource in the module resources sec!on to be#er understand how a memo is
structured. If you need wri!ng support, access the Online Wri!ng Center through the Academic Support module of your
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. False Claims Act: Analyze the impact of the False Claims Act on the organiza!on’s reimbursement, coding, and
strategic planning. Consider the following ques!ons to guide your response:
What are the provisions of the False Claims Act?
What penal!es could an organiza!on face for viola!ng the Act?
2. Physician Self-Referral Law: Analyze the impact of the Physician Self-Referral Law on a healthcare organiza!on’s
reimbursement, revenue cycle, and strategic planning. Consider the following ques!ons to guide your response:
What are the features of the Physician Self-Referral Law?
How does this law help prevent fraud and abuse in healthcare?
3. An!-Kickback Statute: Analyze the impact of the An!-Kickback Statute on healthcare reimbursement and referrals.
Consider the following ques!ons to guide your response:
How is the An!-Kickback Statute different from the Physician Self-Referral Law?
What kind of financial penal!es would be a#racted by the viola!on of this statute?
Overall the gymnastics lessons went well as most of the students used the iPad and their social skills to progress their abilities in gymnastics. Although this is the case, it was evident that the use of the iPad to develop students’ abilities could have been enhanced further if the AT had more knowledge on how to implement the iPad into the curriculum. This implementation has been seen as a key issue and had effects mentioned by the observing teachers such as the ATs ability to ‘’stretch abler students” and ‘’differentiate the class and tasks” (Appendix 6). These observations highlight the importance of educators being able to implement the ICT resource efficiently into their pedagogy. As the more that teachers see the connection between technology and the content of the subject they teach, the more likely they are to develop a technology supported pedagogy (Hutchison and Reinking, 2011) through direct experience of how to handle technology in the classroom (Kiridis et al, 2006). The AT would reiterate Chens (2010) suggestion of encouraging educators to learn, then model how technology can be incorporated into teaching and learning to effectively teach and allow students to progress at a quicker rate avoiding any of the issues that arise as stated above. The AT would also recommend from experience that teachers gain a mutual understanding with the students of what is expected of them to avoid any distractions or behavioural issues, as the observing teacher suggested in a discussion that if the lesson were to be done again that it would be ‘’imperative” to stay on top of the behaviour and ensure all students were focused otherwise the objective of the lesson would not be achieved. Another way of overcoming this is ensuring there are progressions tasks in place for the more/less able as these tasks can allow students to be engaged, allowing for further learning (Lewin and Shoemaker, 2011).