Healthcare policy and advocacy competencies for the BSN-prepared nurse

The BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) outline a number of healthcare policy and advocacy competencies for the BSN-prepared nurse. Reflect on the NUR3178 course readings, discussion threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared to:

• Define complementary, alternative and integrative practices as identified by current health paradigms.
• Discuss history for complementary and alternative medicine.
• Given case studies, describe the extent to which complementary and alternative health practices are encouraged and used among multiple cultures.
• Relate concepts into clinical practice.
• Analyze the research regarding the efficacy of selected complementary and alternative practices and products.
• Incorporate integrative medicine which embodies conventional and complementary and alternative medicine, making use of the best available evidence of all three approaches to healing within patient’s personal plan of care.

Sample Solution

For many years, there has been controversial stances regarding African-Americans, women, LGB members, and now transgenders given entry into the United States military service. Since this transition between genders may not be accepted by all, an overwhelming amount of discrimination has been evident when the thought of a transgender person serving our country is brought up. Being that the U.S. military is a 100% voluntary service, everybody has the right to join, no matter what race, ethnicity or gender you identify as.
Many U.S. citizens are not aware what the term transgender means. Transgender refers to someone who does not identify as the same sex that they were assigned at birth ( For example, an individual who was assigned female at birth, now goes by the pronouns he/him and identifies as a male. Many U.S. citizens also do not understand that this action is not a choice, and that people experiencing this identification switch seem to have been born into the incorrect bodies. Easily mistaken as emotional instability, The American Psychiatric Association makes it clear that “gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder”, but instead, studies have shown that the transgender brains resemble more closely to the gender identified as, rather than the gender assigned at birth ( Clearly, all of these misconceptions of transgender persons can corrupt or influence one’s decision on whether or not they believe transgenders should be granted military service.
If a transgender person is ready, willing and capable of doing the job, why shouldn’t they be granted access into the U.S. military? Not including the United States, there are 18 running countries who allow transgender persons to serve in the military ( According to the RAND Corporation Study of 2016, studies have shown that around 2,000 to 11,000 transgender military personnel have already served in demanding jobs and have been deployed overseas ( Regarding the transgenders that are already serving for the military, Army, Marine, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard leaders have informed Congress that they have yet to see any issues with their transgender troops ( After interviews with superior military personnel, their statements should be enough to sway your opinion all together. General Robert Neller, commandant of the Marine Corps, stated, “As long as they can meet the standard of what their particular occupation was, I think we’ll move forward” ( While Captain J. Caputo of the United States Coast Guard preached, “Any person with a male body must meet male service standards; anyone with a female body must meet female standards. Transgender persons who can meet the standards of their physical body are fit for service” ( Additionally, despite the fact that transgenders serve without problems in police and fire departments, along with federal law enforcement, studies have shown that “…transgender individuals are about twice as likely as adults in the U.S. to have served their country in the armed forces” (Williams Institute). While reading this, you might be saying what about the stress that transgenders are exposed to? On top of the personal issues they might have, will they be able to fully func

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