Healthy People 2020


Examine Healthy People 2020 health promotion and disease prevention objectives. Identify a health disparity, research this topic, and discuss how is it being addressed at both the local and national levels.

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Healthy People 2020 (HP2020)  is a set of goals and objectives with 10-year targets designed to guide national health promotion and disease prevention efforts in order to improve the health of all Americans. HP2020 has nearly 600 objectives organized into 42 topic areas. The Department’s Division of Health Informatics provides statistics to assist in the monitoring of progress for a portion of these objectives at the state and county level. Please visit the national Healthy People website opens In a New Window for further information on the history and current state of HP2020.

  • “imagination is a faculty that those who lack knowledge need to fall back on” (Jackson).
  • Second, Jackson argues that Mary’s learning of the experience of seeing the color red did not rely on logical inferences. After leaving the black and white room and seeing the color red, Mary does not claim that she could have had knowledge of seeing the color red without leaving the room if she could have used more logical inferences while in the room.
  • Third, Jackson reiterates that Mary lacked information about the experience of others. Jackson refers to the lack of information as a problem for physicalists because Mary realizes her conception of others’ mental life has been “impoverished” through her existence. Although she knew the physical facts the entire time, she did not have all the information regarding their experiences. Therefore, physicalism is compromised even further.

There are some philosophers who do not necessarily align with Jackson’s perspective. David Lewis has the strongest objection to Jackson’s qualia position. Lewis shapes his objection to Jackson using the Ability Hypothesis and the Hypothesis of Phenomenal Information. Lewis argues that Mary leaves the black and white room, she learns she has the ability to know what seeing red is like. Thus, Mary is becoming aware of abilities, not learning new information. That is, Mary learns the ability to see red. Lewis uses the Hypothesis of Phenomenal Information to argue that the new information Mary receives when viewing red is in fact phenomenal information. Lewis’ point relies on the fact that Mary already knows “know-that” information, and that the experience teaches her “know-how” information, which is phenomenal. By learning the “know-how” information, Mary is able to recognize and remember the color red. If the Ability Hypothesis is true, Mary gains the ability to remember the experience of seeing red. After experiencing red for the first time, you can remember the experience, and therefore imagine the recreation of seeing red. Lewis also argues that another important ability gained is t`he ability to recognize. If Mary sees the color red again, she will recognize it immediately. Lewis uses the example of Vegemite. If you taste Vegemite at a later time, you will remember (or recognize) you have tasted it in the past. From this, you will be able to put a name to the taste experience. Lewis also argues that these abilities could originate from essentially anywhere – even magic. His main point is that experience, not lessons, is the best method of learning what a new experience is like. Overall, Lewis agrees that knowledge is gained from experiencing red, but believes the knowledge gained is “know-how” information, which is phenomenal, and therefore physicalism is valid. Lewis argues th

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