Healthy People 2020 Goal:Reduce misuse of drugs and alcohol

-​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​The introduction clearly presents an overview of the main topic of paper. -Information is relevant and presented in a logical and understandable manner. -The conclusion clearly summarizes the main points of the paper -Accurately defines HP 2020 topic -Explore (select topics & objectives) Identifies why selected Healthy People 2020 topic objective and 2 target goals are important for patient care management and nursing. -Identify Healthy People 2020 topic in which your selected topic can be useful to address the go​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​als of this objective and provide an example. -Identifies and thoroughly discusses one professional nursing organization that would help post graduates students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to address the goals for selected topic objective –


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Muscle dysfunction and wastage are major systemic manifestations in COPD. Patients’ respiratory and limb muscles are often impaired and this adds to defective muscle function, low exercise ability and poorer health in general. Diminishing muscle fiber cross-sectional area is largely an accepted distinguisher of muscle atrophy and may be an indication of mortality associated with COPD (Gouzi et al., 2013).

Hyperinflation is another crucial aspect of COPD as hyperinflated lungs may lead to consequential destructive breathing issues. This is displayed by advancements in COPD symptoms following lung volume reduction surgery. Static and dynamic processes may both lead to hyperinflation in COPD, static being caused by a decline in elasticity as a result of emphysema. Dynamic hyperinflation is as a result of exercise and is found present more frequently and is caused by air becoming trapped in the lungs as a result of an imbalance in the volumes of air inhaled and exhaled (Ferguson, 2006). Inadequate exhalation generates continuous air retention referred to as ‘air trapping’, consequently leading to dyspnea (O’Donnell and Laveneziana, 2006).


There is currently no cure for COPD however patients affected by this disease can take steps to slow down its progression. The main one being smoking cessation. Lung function stabilizes after smoking cessation and will decline at a much slower rate. If one is a successive smoker, lung function declines more rapidly. The earlier the detection and diagnosis of the disease, the earlier treatment can commence and suitable treatment varies from patient to patient as it has to consider the severity of their symptoms. Bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory medication help improve the performance of the lungs and reduce the likelihood of developing exasperations. In more sever cases surgical procedures may be the best option to help increase patients’ quality of life. Pulmonary rehabilitation is the main factor that play enormous role in slowing down the disease progression, this involves lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation, improved nutrition and exercise. Physical exercise also lowers dyspnea and increases the time one takes to exhail, therefore decreasing

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