Hepatitis B





When you doing the project you have to follow points listed below)
Definition of disease-should be written in couple of sentences at the beginning of project.
1.Etiology of disease -mentioned in above topic of the project(etiology means causative agent or cause of disease) — (1 page)
2.Mode of transmission- in case of infectious disease(how disease is transmitted from one person to another)— (1 page)
3.Pathogenesis of disease(means how disease is developing)—1 page
4.Clinical picture of disease(means signs and symptoms-S&S of disease)-2 pages
5.Diagnosis,Treatment , Prognosis of the disease(prognosis means favorable or not favorable in future) and Prevention of disease —1 page
6.Bibliography and references


Sample Solution

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by Hepatitis B virus (HBV). The virus is passed from person to person through blood, semen or other body fluids. It does not spread by sneezing or coughing. Common ways that HBV can spread are: sexual contact, sharing of needles, and mother to child. For some people, Hepatitis B infection becomes chronic, meaning it lasts more than six months. Having chronic Hepatitis B increases your risk of developing liver failure, liver cancer or cirrhosis, a condition that permanently scars the liver. Patients can have either an acute symptomatic disease or an asymptomatic disease. Most adults with Hepatitis B recover fully, even if their signs and symptoms are severe. Most people diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B infection need treatment for the rest of their lives. Treatment for chronic Hepatitis B may include: antiviral medications, interferon injections, and liver transplant.

unskilled labor affixed to agriculture in LDCs, the high increase in productivity means the country would be able to export primary goods and in turn gain access to foreign exchange* i.e hard currency. We will discuss the use of foreign exchange at a later stage in the essay. INDUSTRIAL POLICIES A late developing state broadly needs two steps to become a successful sustainable industrial growing economy. The first step would be bringing Industry up to par with global competitors, and the second would be introducing competition as a mechanism to increase discovery. The former obviously needs to precede the latter for effective and sustained growth. In the interest to achieve the goal of brining domestic industries up to par, the state would need to bring about successful ‘Import substitution’, which can be done through levying two major policies –Tariff Protection and Subsidies. Tariff protection is fiscally most feasible way to promote the sunrise industry in the country. High import tax on automobiles in Japan after World War II is an example of how a state policy can nozzle the imports into the country. This effort was made to give a boost to Import Substitution. Japan’s automobiles may be a popular case of high import tariffs, but long before that, Britain in the 14th century, had aggressively shielded it’s infant industry in the same method, and levied high tariffs on manufacturing products even as late as the 1820s (Chang, H.J., 2010).

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