History World War 2


Watch – “Memory of the Camps” online

Read – “A People’s War?” from A People’s History

Watch – “On Our Watch” online

After viewing “Memory of the Camps,” how has your understanding of World War II changed? What are your thoughts surrounding this genocide that claimed the lives of nearly 12 million “undesirables” (including not only Jews, but also, Africans, Asians, the physically and mentally challenged, homosexuals, gypsies, and on and on the list could go of all the groups singled out by Hitler and the Third Reich) from throughout the European continent?


Sample Solution

eason why facial recognition technologies should be used is because of its contribution to security. There is belief that these technologies can offer solutions, it can for example help by the identification of suspects and thus help prevent crimes. With these systems there is a broader intelligence and security infrastructure [13]. But are the technologies safe enough? There is one big ethical issue, that is the right to privacy. Misuse of data and the problem of error are related to this.

i. Privacy
Every person has the right to have privacy and protection of his or her personal data. Facial recognition systems are a threat to the individual’s privacy. It can lead to a society in which the government knows everything about an individual.
The law should protect individuals against the dangers facial recognition technologies entail. The privacy law in Europe, the GDPR, is as follows: “the use of biometric data for identification is in principle prohibited (Art. 9.1). Article 9.2 GDPR however contains many exceptions to the prohibition of bio-metric data use for identification, including the explicit consent of the person.” [18]. The use of facial recognition data is forbidden, unless a legal justification exists.
Whether this law protects persons adequately from violation of their privacy is arguable. The law allows the usage of different technologies, provided that certain principles are being followed in the application of the technology. For example, the facial recognition technology may only be used for a specific purpose and only with consent of the individual. Interpretation of the law remains difficult, especially if there is an increase of new technologies. Since the law does not apply to every specific technology there is a chance that this technology can become a risk, because some technologies can violate the privacy of individuals.

ii. Misuse of personal data
Law enforcement agencies can use facial recognition technologies to identify criminals and

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