Hospital converting to for profit status




Research an example of a hospital converting to for profit status. Did the conversion positively or negatively impact hospital operations?


Sample Solution

The transition of a hospital to a for-profit status is linked to improvements in financial health, but not to variations in the standard of care or mortality rates. A study published in the October 22/29 issue of JAMA found that when hospitals switched from nonprofit to for-profit status in the 2000s, it was associated with better long-term financial health but had no effect on the standard of care provided, mortality rates, or the percentage of underprivileged or minority patients receiving care. The number of nonprofit or public hospitals that have switched to a for-profit model has drawn more attention during the past ten years. The conversions in question are debatable.

transcendence is supplemented by the tripodal regional administrative set-up of that period. In the Northern Locale, the Hausa comprised 32.6 percent of the general population. Exactly when the assembled Fulani is integrated, the figure rises to 50.6 percent. In the Western District, the Yoruba comprised 70.8 percent of the general population, while in the Eastern Area, the Igbo comprised 61% of the general population. Buttressing this measurement movement were pioneer observations that ‘Nigeria falls typically into three regions, the North, the West and the East’ (Governor Arthur Richards, alluded to in Oyovbaire, 1983, 8). There is in this manner the mathematical and political predominance of the three bigger part ethnic social occasions, in their specific locale, and in the country with everything taken into account. The inclination of various minority get-togethers to bundle ‘ strategically, phonetically and socially – round the tremendous three, has given Nigeria a tripolar ethnic construction which shapes the essential setting for ethnic enactment and contestation. Nigeria is furthermore a country that has creatively, while perhaps not for the most part really, attempted to consider its tradition of ethnic good assortment and battle (Mustapha, 2002). Nevertheless, a secret of current Nigerian legislative issues is the strength of tripolar ethnic planning despite repeated attempts at political planning and nation building.

The under recorded ideas or catchphrases have been obviously examined for appropriate comprehension of this examination work. They watchwords incorporates: Ethnicity and Legislature

Identity is gotten from the word ‘ethnic’, it has no broad or widespread definition, it has been characterized by different researchers in view of their own different individual point of view. Identity includes the normal cognizance of divided beginning and custom between a gathering (Lain McLean, 1996 p. 163). As demonstrated by Nnoli (1978:5) nationality is a social miracle related with the character of people from the greatest possible battling normal gatherings (ethnic gatherings) hoping to get and drive their excitement for a political structure. The term identity is now and again utilized reciprocally with ethnic patriotism or ethnonationalism. Ethnic Nationalism is a more grounded or outrageous type of identity, while nationality is being sought after inside the structure of a state, ethnic patriotism essentially looks for the fulfillment of power or statehood for an ethnic gathering. Nationality has likewise been characterized as a stressed and overstated sensation of contrast comparable to other ethnic gatherings (Heinecke: 1986 p. 40). The significant aggregate element may be lingo, culture, race religion as well as fundamental history. Nationality is only a solitary of the miracles related with participation’s among shared gatherings (ethnic gatherings). Others consolidate trade, circumspection, friendship scorn, orga

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