Pick one Christian company, and discuss how administrative heritage has shaped the values, norms, and practices of its management. How has the selected company been incorporating biblical principle(s) as a part of administrative heritage into the decision making process.
How administrative heritage has shaped the values, norms, and practices of its management
Many big brands are intensely religious, even though consumers may not realize it. Most of the time, it comes from a devout founder passing his or her values on down the line. Some companies put their religion right out in the open, and are proud of their identities. Forever 21 is an example of a Christian company. Purchase a skimpy $15 top or $19 skirt from trendy but budget-conscious clothing retailer Forever 21 and you may notice “John 3:16” printed on your shopping bag. Printed on the bottom of each of the store`s bags, the biblical reference is perhaps the most obvious reference to the religious beliefs promoted by the store`s owners, the Chang Family, who are born-again Christians.
oneme matching, isolation, completion, blending and deletion. In one study Stahl and Murray (1994), reviewed a number of sources for providing evidence that children ability to syllable segmentation, onset and rime awareness is necessary for early word reading. Correlation studies of early reading development and phonological awareness suggested that different phonological awareness skills (blending, segmenting words, manipulating consonants) are highly correlated with later development of skilled reading (e.g., Liberman, Shankweiler, Fischer, & Carter, 1974; Mann, 1984, cited in Stahl & Murray, 1994).
Based on multidisciplinary and cross-cultural studies Anthony and Francis (2005) summarized the development of PA skills of typically developed children. According to their study, in alphabetic languages, PA is pivotal for reading development. They have argued that, individuals those have difficulties to manipulate the sound structure of spoken language for example, blending, rhyming, segmentations and syllabification of sounds in words will face difficulty with reading. One of the significant outcomes of reading research is that PA training has a great impact on reading intervention. A meta-analysis of 52 controlled studies in PA training showed that, for developing word recognition, spelling and reading comprehension instruction of PA skills has statistically significant (Ehri et al., 2001). This investigation of reading and literacy outcomes for children with developmental language disorders has established that PA is a crucial factor in early reading competency.
Decoding and skilled reading
Decoding is recognizing single words accurately, quickly, and silently (Gough & Tunmer, 1986). They argued that, decoding is not necessarily related to word reading. For example: someone can decode other language but not necessarily they can read a word. However, according to simple view of reading decoding involves the ability to decipher the printed symbols in order to retrieve the meaning of the words they represent (Cain, 2010). Cain (2010) suggested that, though the goal of reading is to understand what is read, but for the beginner readers, the most crucial challenge is decoding. She also argued that for being skilled reader two skills are needed. One is the ability to decode individual words of a text, which includes the ability to pronounce and access the meaning of words without any difficulty, and the other is the ability to comprehend the overall text. A skilled reader also can able to pronounce non-word without any hesitation.
In fact for reading comprehension the importance of decoding is undeniable. Children can be classified as skilled reader or less skilled reader by depending on the amount of time needed for a word recognition ((Perfetti & Hogaboam, 1975). An experiment research conducted by Perfetti and Hogaboam among 6