How Aligned is Your Organization



In the article, How Aligned is Your Organization? (Harvard Business Review), (Attached) Jonathan Trevor and Barry Varcoe (2017) state, “strategically aligned
enterprises have a much better chance of winning in today’s challenging business environment.” Read the article and answer the following questions:
How does your organization or one with which you are familiar demonstrate strategic alignment?
What suggestions for improvement could you make to your organization’s leadership?


Sample Solution

Most executives today know their enterprises should be aligned. They know their strategies, organizational capabilities, resources, and management systems should all be arranged to support the enterprise`s purpose. The challenge is that executives tend to focus on one of these areas to the exclusion of the others, but what really matters for performance is how they all fit together. There is no universal or one-size-fits-all prescription for a winning business. But corporate leaders today seem to agree that strategic alignment is high on the list. For example, when selecting projects for the coming year, many organizations will wheel those projects out in front of the senior management and let the leadership team make their own determination of strategic alignment.

so she will track down an adequate man. The subject most certainly exhibits that a lady is supposed to act in a specific way. “Young lady” recounts the tale of a miserable mother/little girl relationship and the strain that little kids confronted when conveyed into society. Numerous components of writing show this in the story. Nonetheless, the subject emphatically proposes that senior lady feel that there is a good and bad method for being as a lady. All through the story, the mother over and over blames the little girl still up in the air to turn into a ‘prostitute.’ This doubt doesn’t appear to be incited by the young lady’s way of behaving. The young lady is by all accounts polite as demonstrated by her most memorable line of contribution to the story, ‘yet I don’t sing Benna on Sundays by any means and never in Sunday school.’ This is an answer her mom’s inquiry on the young lady’s singing of Benna, a music classification, in Sunday school, which was trailed by guidelines on not to sing Benna in Sunday school. The last line of the brief tale, ‘you intend to express that after all you are truly going to be the sort of lady who the cook could let approach the bread’? could be deciphered as the mother again testing the young lady’s ethics. Yet, I think this is rather difficult the young lady’s solidarity personally. Ironicly the mother has brutally request the young lady to realize the mother’s all’s propensities and techniques, not giving the young lady a very remarkable word in any of her choices, and afterward anticipates that she should have the strength of her mom. Strength that was learned through experience, not guidance. The emotional personality of the storyteller is, it could be said, inseparable from the Girl, a ‘we’ of mother-girl character. The Girl’s minor presence ‘ two brief and apparently insignificant difficulties ‘ proposes that maybe the Girl is describing and sorting out her own character through talking, through reproducing and once again instituting (with language) the muddled relationship with her mom, the convoluted personality of figuring out how to be a young lady/lady, a (re)enactment through gathering the serious and defensive and cherishing and condemning directions on the most proficient method to be. The intentions behind the harshness appear to be defensive (notwithstanding their occasionally mercilessness), and through this defense the characters of the mother, and her mom, and her mom and the Girl, and her little girl, and her girl. Ensnared in this converging as perusers; having been tended to as ‘you’ all through, it is difficult to circumvent pondering ourselves in the Girl’s place, the burden of power as we’ve encountered it, as forced by our own folks, the manners in which these burdens can both secure and restrict us. There is a restless even dire quality to the composition ‘ its apprehension established in questions about the suspicions on which the guidelines depend (presumptions about orientation jobs and division of work, romance, social propriety, and most harshly/menacingly sexual character, for example ‘like the skank I have cautioned you against becoming’ ‘ ‘you are not a kid, you know’ .. ‘the sort of lady the dough puncher won’t let close to the bread’). We are tended to straightforwardly ‘ you you.


However at that point somebody talks for our benefit, a little voice: yet I don’t sing benna on Sundays, consider the possibility that the dough puncher won’t allow me to feel the bread. ‘Young lady’ is written in a verbal style as exchange/discourse/execution. The composing has force, feels dire, the stakes feel high as though there are ramifications for not adhering to guidelines, despite the fact that we are not determined what the results may be. The crowd reaches out past the story’s quick skyline ‘ past the storyteller/creator’s relationship with her little girl to any individual who has been a little girl or had a girl, maybe to anybody who was raised by their mom. The composing peruses like a statement, however the thing precisely is being pronounced is more vague: a statement of adoration for sure, of the troublesome works of ladies, of the disturbed intricacies of exploring social universes as a young lady/lady, of the condemning impediments put on young ladies, of the manners in which these constraints are passed down age by age, of the intricacy of our associations with our moms, of the manners in which we reproduce our folks in our associations with our kids. The voice is harsh and directing, brooking no sass. Yet, there is by all accounts a rationale at work other than the legitimacy of the mother’s voice ‘ her expectation is being subverted. Two times the little girl’s voice mediates, opposing the mother’s reprimanding

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