How drone technology has been changing and impacting acquisition.




Consider how drone technology has been changing and impacting
acquisition. Discuss how drones are going to change (or not change) the
acquisition of goods in the future. 250 words
Here are some links to some sites that discuss commercial and military
drones for consideration:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
Link 4:
Read about how the FAA is partnering to help promote Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System (NAS).



Sample Solution

The evolution of drone technology has been game-changing for the acquisition of goods, enabling faster and more efficient delivery services than ever before. For example, Amazon Prime Air is a service that allows customers to receive their orders within 30 minutes using drones (Digital Trends 2021). Additionally, military drones are used in combat scenarios to deliver precision strikes with pinpoint accuracy while minimizing risk by keeping soldiers out of harm’s way ( 2021). This technology has enabled advancements across many industries as well as made it easier to obtain items from other countries or remote areas far away.

Looking forward , it can be suggested that this trend will continue into the future as regulations become less stringent allowing companies utilize capabilities offered by unmanned aircraft systems even further . The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has already started partnering with various organizations promote integrated commercial usage UAS into NAS which could potentially open up new opportunities when comes acquiring products remotely (FAA 2019). Moreover , advancement artificial intelligence combined with autonomous navigation would make sure deliveries reach their destination safely without any human intervention . In conclusion ,it is clear that utilization drone technology have drastically improved acquisition process both domestically internationally opening up possibilities never seen before . With innovations such machine learning or AI we can expect major changes near future especially when concerns timely delivery reliable goods.


stating, “I don’t want to be a writer. It’s stupid. It’s a stupid waste of time.” Chris responds, “That’s your dad talking.” Chris notes that Gordie is repressing his American dream because his father does not want him to be a writer. He then states that he wishes he was Gordie’s father because if he were, Gordie would not be considering taking shop courses instead of his college courses. Chris acts as a father figure to Gordie, who finds comfort and solace in his friends following his brother’s death. He resents the idea of taking college courses because he knows that it will isolate him from his friends, leaving him completely alone. When the boys finally make camp for the night and go to bed, Gordie is awoken by a nightmare of his father telling him “it should’ve been you” referring to Denny’s death.

Chris’ American dream is to prove wrong the people that believe he will ultimately end up bad because of his family. When Gordie mentions that Chris could take college courses too, he states that no one would let him because they all think of him as “one of those lowlife Chamber kids.” He then explains how upset he was at being suspended from school. Chris was suspended because he stole the school’s milk money, not because he wanted to, but because he was expected to. When he became guilty and tried returning the money, his teacher used it to buy herself a new suit. He explains to Gordie that even if he tried to tell someone that story, they wouldn’t believe him because he’s nothing more than a kid brother to Eyeball Chambers. Deep down, Chris is a good kid whose dream is to succeed in life. His American dream is to make the adults in his life see him not as a punk, but as the intelligent, caring, boy that he is.



One of the most important scenes in the film occurs when the four boys reach a bridge. They must decide whether to cross the bridge or walk an extra five miles to go around the bridge. This entire film represents the journey of childhood into adulthood, thus making the train tracks a symbol of the journey from one stage of life to another. The bridge, as well as the tracks in general, demonstrate that the path towards adulthood can be adventurous, dangerous, and downright scary. When the boys are about halfway across the tracks, a train comes along, forcing them to run. In this instance, the train symbolizes the trauma that the boys have experienced that have ultimately forced them to grow up quicker than average boys their age.

When the boys get close to finding the body, they again are forced to make a decision regarding the direction they take. They can either walk the train tracks or cross a field into a forest and ultimately decide to walk through the field. By choosing this path rather than the tracks, this shows that the boys desire to make their own destinies rather than follow the path that has already been paved for them by their family members, community members, and society itself. When the boys finally find the dead body, Gordie decides that they will not take credit for finding it, as that is not the way to prove themselves to their community. They report the body anonymously and return back home. Gordie and Chris say goodbye to the other boys a

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