How hazard mitigation is approached in other countries.


Respond to the following questions in your paper this week:
• Discuss how hazard mitigation is approached in other countries.
• What is a common theme among them?
• Compare the topics of the US IAEM councils to other councils around the world by reviewing IAEM Links to an external site. website’s committees and groups pages.

Sample Solution

Hazard mitigation involves strategies implemented in order to reduce the potential impact of natural disasters or other threats on people, property and the environment. While risk management approaches vary from country to country based upon geographical factors, certain common themes can be observed across different nations.

One of these is the prioritization of prevention and preparedness measures as opposed to reactive responses (Fritz et al., 2017). This entails proactive planning before a disaster occurs such as developing early warning systems and evacuation plans in order help mitigate any potential damage which may result. Additionally governments often invest large amounts of money into creating resilient infrastructure designed withstand extreme weather conditions thus reducing chances destruction occurring

The use public-private partnerships also popular across globe when it comes hazard mitigation – this allows private sector companies contribute resources towards projects aimed at creating resilient communities while still realizing profits (McGee & Northgrave., 2018). Furthermore, many countries are now considering adaptation strategies such relocating populations away from areas prone high risks thus reducing their vulnerability disasters.

In conclusion, various approaches taken by nations around world when it comes hazard mitigation however common theme among them prioritizing preventative methods over reactive responses along with increased investment constructing resilient infrastructure and leveraging public-private partnerships play crucial role protecting citizens from potential risks.

that can go back many years and may even result in personal identity loss (Serra, Fadda, Buccione, Caltagirone, and Carlesimo, 2007). In this it is quite easy to see that psychogenic amnesia seems to produce a widespread of cognitive deficits unlike organic amnesia which is typically restricted to memory function (Kumar, Rao, Sunny, and Gangadhar, 2007). Amnesia with an organic onset, on the other hand, does show signs of cerebral sufferance, meaning that there is clear physical evidence that shows that the condition can be linked to damage of the cortical areas of the brain (Serra, Fadda, Buccione, Caltagirone, and Carlesimo, 2007). Even though many cases of amnesia can be quite debilitating, it is not to say that people cannot overcome their condition and lead a successful life like Angie, a 50-year-old woman with profound anterograde amnesia (Duff, Wszalek, Tranel, and Cohen, 2008). Whereas, it could have a completely opposite effect in which the person suffering from some sort of amnesia could be lead to a life of crime and violence, like depicted in the movie Memento.

Adding on to the last point, there is one article that points to the fact that psychogenic and organic amnesia can be compared on 4 different levels. These levels include clinical, neuroradiological, neuropsychological and psychopathological features (Serra, Fadda, Buccione, Caltagirone, and Carlesimo, 2007). When taking a look at the clinical aspect it can be seen that in organic amnesia the memory disorder seems to preserve personal identity, basic semantic knowledge and procedural skills, while psychogenic amnesia includes the loss of personal identity and very basic semantic and procedural abilities (Serra, Fadda, Buccione, Caltagirone, and Carlesimo, 2007). In the neuroradiological sense, organic amnesia seems to have a physical cause that is consistent with cerebral damage affecting cortical and/or subcortical areas known to be important in memory, while in psychogenic amnesia damage to the cerebral areas important in memory does not have a clinical or neuroradiological basis (Serra, Fadda, Buccione, Caltagirone, and Carlesimo, 2007). Looking at the neuropsychological aspect it is easy to see that in organic amnesia there is documented impairment in declarative episodic memory with preservation of other memory functions and general intelligence, while in psychogenic amnesia declarative episodic memory is affected along with general intellectual dysfunction (Serra, Fadda, Buccione, Caltagirone, and Carlesimo, 2007). In the psychopathological sense, organic amnesia shows no predisposing psychiatric conditions before the onset of the condition, while in psychogenic amnesia a psychopathological condition is existent before the onset of the condition (Serra, Fadda, Buccione, Caltagirone, and Carlesimo, 2007). Although psychogenic and organic amnesia are on

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