Reflect on how issues of gender, culture, and diversity might impact you in your leadership strategy. How could these issues impact your ability to set goals for an organization? What additional skills do you think you will need to build in order to effectively implement organizational strategies?
Take the “You Strategy Style” Assessment on page 265 (Chapter 7, table 7..3) of the Leadership Experience textbook.. Is there anything about the results of this test that is a surprise to you? Discuss your findings and thoughts about your result with your peers specifically as they relate to your ability to create a clear vision and strategy for an organization.
Daft, R. (2023) The Leadership Experience (8th ed.) Cengage Publishers
This chapter focuses on the leader’s role in creating a strategy and and vision for the organization.
Chapter 7: Creating Vision and Purpose
Instructions: Think about how you handle challenges and issues in your current or a recent job. Then circle A or B for each of the following items, depending on which is generally more descriptive of your behavior. There are no right or wrong answers. Respond to each item as it best describes how you respond to work situations.
What did freedom and equality mean for African Americans prior to and during the Civil War?
Freedom and Equality for African Americans: A Before and During the Civil War Look
Before the Civil War:
During the Civil War:
The Civil War marked a significant turning point, but the fight for full freedom and equality for African Americans continued well after the war ended.