How its diversity strengths and weaknesses impact perceptions of fairness, justice


Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company relating to diversity issues.

Discuss how its diversity strengths and weaknesses impact perceptions of fairness, justice, social problems, social change, and respect.


Are the company’s efforts effective?

Explain how the company’s efforts, policies, and programs positively impact perceptions of fairness, justice, social problems, social change, and respect.

Sample Solution

Thanks to technology developments and globalization, people nowadays are more connected than ever before. Therefore, the workplace becomes increasingly diverse in terms of nationality, culture, gender, experience, personality and more. We can see people from different countries who speak different languages work together under the same roof. This inevitable movement has changed the way corporations manage their talent resources to maximize the advantage of having multicultural perspectives. Despite offering countless benefits, fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace do come with a handful of challenges, including stereotypes and prejudice; less trust; and productivity – cultural conflict is unhealthy and can significantly lower both the productivity and morale of employees.

the dopamine-creating neurons from substantia nigra which in ordinary circumstances supply dopamine to the corpus striatum, a district in the cerebrum that controls oblivious muscle development. It is viewed as that for each 10 years of life we lose somewhere in the range of 9 and 13% of dopamine delivering neurons.

2. Portray the side effects of Parkinon’s infection.

– Quake of the hands, arms, legs and face; happens in 70% of the patients

– Bradykinesia (gradualness of development)

– Unbending nature or firmness of the appendages and trunk (obstruction of the aloof development of the appendages)

– Postural flimsiness (weakened equilibrium and coordination)

– Emotional smoothing (the patients have almost no look and squinting of the eyes)

3. Know the significant gatherings of medications utilized in the treatment of Parkinson’s sickness. Have the option to give an illustration of each. Relate the utilization of the medication to the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s illness.

– Drug treatment is centered around reestablishing practical harmony among dopamine and acetylcholine inside the corpus striatum.

– These medications are ordered into dopaminergic and cholinergic blockers

– Dopaminergic drugs are utilized to increment dopamine levels. Medication of decision is levodopa joined with carbidopa and advertised under the name Sinemet or Parcopa.

– Different methodologies are utilized to hinder chemicals that typically annihilate levodopa and dopamine (Tolcapone, entacapone, rasagiline and selegiline). Drugs called dopamine agpnists, like Apomorphine, bromocriptine (Parlodel), pramipexole (Mirapex) and ropinirole (Requip) straightforwardly enact the dopamine receptors.

– Cholinergic blockers or Anticholinergic medications repress the impact of this synapse in corpus striatum by hindering the receptors. Benztropine (Cogentin), diphenhydramine (Bemnadryl) or biperiden (Akineton) are illustration of anticholinergic medications utilized for Parkinsonism.

4. The blend of levadopa and carbidopa is a medication called Sinemet. Depict the elements of these two medications in Sinemet. What is the upside of having carbidopa given with levadopa instead of giving levadopa alone?

– Levodopa, a forerunner of dopamine crosses the blood-cerebrum hindrance rather than dopamine. In the mind this substance is changed into dopamine. Then, at that point, it is in this way delivered by the synapses considering further developed capability of the development control focuses of the mind.

– Since levodopa can be separated by the blood chemicals called amino-corrosive decarboxylases before it can arrive at the mind, it is constantly joined with a catalyst inhibitor called carbidopa. Together, this blend is realized under the trademark Sinemet.

– Carbidopa alone can build the centralization of dopamine and levodopa in the mind.

5. Patients who are taking levadopa alone should be told to keep away from a certa

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