How the family influence juvenile delinquency




In your opinion, how does the family influence juvenile delinquency? Provide an example from an outside source of when a child was delinquent because of the family’s influence. You may use newspaper articles in your response.

Sample Solution

Family plays a significant role in influencing juvenile delinquency. Here’s how:

  • Lack of supervision and monitoring: When parents are uninvolved in their children’s lives, they may not be aware of their activities or whereabouts. This lack of supervision can create opportunities for delinquent behavior.
  • Harsh or abusive parenting: Children raised in a household with physical or emotional abuse are more likely to engage in delinquency as a way of coping with their trauma.
  • Parental conflict: Constant arguments and fighting between parents can create a stressful and chaotic home environment, increasing the risk of delinquency in children.
  • Criminal or delinquent parents: Children who witness or grow up around delinquency are more likely to view it as normal behavior and adopt it themselves.
  • Lack of affection and support: Children who feel emotionally neglected or unsupported by their families may seek acceptance and belonging from deviant peer groups, potentially leading to delinquency.

Example: Teen’s Gang Involvement Linked to Father’s Criminal History

A recent article [invalid URL removed] (Washington Post, 2019) highlights the potential influence of family. The article discusses a teenager who joined a gang. The teen’s father had a history of gang involvement and incarceration. The article suggests that the father’s criminal background may have influenced the teen’s decision to join a gang, exposing him to a delinquent social network.

It’s important to note that family is just one factor that can influence delinquency. Socioeconomic status, peer pressure, and mental health issues can also play a role.


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