How the internet affects mental health

Write a research paper that shows how digital technologies (i.e., the Internet, social networks, smart phones, apps, etc.) are positively or negatively influencing one part of contemporary society. The paper should critically and thoughtfully argue how digital technologies are affecting one specific topic. Although your paper might consider opposing views or trends, it should take a clear overall stand on the benefits or problems caused by digital technologies in your topic. Through substantial research, the paper should offer an academic argument that goes beyond confirming your personal experience or restating obvious ideas. I strongly recommend you pick a topic related to either your major or a personal hobby.

Sample Answer


The tremendous development in the field of technology is something that the human race will appreciate for the longest time possible. The more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to be gaining control over our lives. Even though technology is offering society many beneficial qualities; it also is causing many negative effects to occur. Technology is also affecting society socially, mentally, and physically. This paper will robustly focus on how digital technologies like internet, social networks, smart phones among others have impacted the contemporary society. Pertinent to it will also be to look at the trends that emerges in its use and deeply discuss how it impacts the social-political and economic dimensions of the society at large.

Social work is portrayed as workmanship converged with science (Connolly and Harms, 2009, p.4). The science parts of social work are appreciated by the proof based information got from looks into and practice speculations. The craft of social work happens as social work experts weave together this logical information with individual qualities, proficient abilitiImagine you are associated with a genocide that occur in an ancestors time? How would you react to these circumstances? What would you do? The term genocide was developed in most cases. This term become a part of legal, political, and ethnical vocabulary that respond to widespread hazard of violence against a group of society. In 1900 a man named Raphael Lemkin who was born in a Polish Jewish family, and was the one who coin the word ‘genocide’. The holocaust is a great example of genocide do to the fact that six million Jews were killed in a very brutal and atrocious way. The holocaust is Greek words that ‘sacrifice by fire’. In January 1993 the Nazis gain power in Germany, and thought Jews were a alien threat to the Germans community. During the early years of the holocaust, Germans authorities and power also targeted other groups like Roma who were the disabled and Slavic people. The poles were the Russians and others who were persecuted on political, behavior grounds, and homosexual then killed. This lead to War World 2 in which by 1945 nearly two out of every three Jews as part of the ‘final solution’. The Nazis from this point on would policy to murder the Jews. In the ultimate months of the war guards would move camps of people by train or on forced marches often called ‘death march’ this would prevent the Allied liberation of abundant of prisoners. The marches continue until May 7, 1945 the day the Germans forces surrender to the Allied. In the western Allied the war had ended in Europe. On the next day May 9 (V-E Day) was celebrated. Some other examples of genocides would be Sudan 1952-1972, Rwanda 1963-1964, Indonesia Oct, 1965-1966, Pakistan Mar-Dec 1971, China Feb-Dec 1947.
Sudan’s genocide began in 1952-1972 the cause of this genocide was because of regional autonomy was the cause of this conflict. The southern African- Christian’s governments were devastated when the British failed to guarantee equity. The Arab-led government, promised to
form a federal system of government, which is located in Khartoum, the south and north would be represented. However the Arab government reneged their promise this led to a mutiny in town of Torit. During the summer of 1955 a military force named Equatorial Crops led by southerners attacked Sudanese government officials. Instead of surrendering many ran into the woods with their weapons and created many insurgent groups was the most effective and the largest group to this conflict. Large numbers of weapons were provided through Uganda and Ethiopia. All the groups the Anya Nya. The conflict lasted until 1972 when the Addis Abada was found on the opposing sides. To the southern provinces with this agreement granted autonomy, however after 11 years to be exact the agreement was totally undermined and conflict would again ensure. In 1993 in Rwanda genocide result once more as a fact.
1994 Rwanda’s genocide, was a planned campaign of murder that occurred over 100 days in April- July 1994. The majority of Hutu population were planned to kill the Futis population who are opposed to the genocidal intentions. More than 800,000 civilians Tutsi and Hutu were killed during the campaign. After the war as many as 2000000 Rwandans vanish the country immediately. The Hutu and the Tutsi were the major ethnic groups. About one-seventh and more than four-fifths of the total population. Followed by the Twa which was 1 percent of the population. These three groups lived together for centuries. The Europeans arrived in the 19th century. The Tutsi and Hutu had social differences. The Tutsi physical appearance were light-skinned and tall, and the Hutu were dark-skinned and short. During the colonial era, Germany and Belgium soon arrived. They assumed that Tutsi and Hutu could be distinguished by physical characteristics. The Germans used the ethnic differences to create a system where no longer the Hutu and the Tutsi would fluid. Then German colonial government ruled.the Hutu began to
proclaim equality, which led to the Hutu revolution. Months of violence followed. Tutsi were killed or left the country. Belgian officially got rid of the Tutsi king who was already out of the country. Rwanda became a republic country. National government came into being the next year independence was proclaimed
Five months of 1965 to early 1966 the genocide of Indonesia occurred. About half a million citizens were killed by anti-communist Indonesia. Almost all victims were associated with Indonesia left. The communist party (PKI) was also associated with the massacre who was under president Sukarno’s guided democracy. The massacres were coordinated by anti-communist of the army. People who want to clear anti-communist would get killed. On the morning of October 1, 1965 the killings followed in which took place in Jakarta. This same day a revolutionary council was formed. The new order period portrayed some events. As a communist capture for power. Recent research show according to john Roosa, ‘ has shown that the (PKI) leadership were closely involved.’ The aims of the operation were more limited. The PKI was destructed which was part of an order that retrieve Suharto’s military-dominated New Order regime to power. The regime left Sukarno’s leftist domestic politics were orientated in foreign. The New Order never cared of the killing, they portrayed both a threat presented to the PKI.
In 1971 Bangladesh had a mass killed. The soviet POWs with annihilation. This was an attempt to seek East Pakistan from the West Pakistan military. This Systemic Campaign aimed at killing millions of Bengalis. The background of East and West Pakistan were forged of it’s independence, which was ruled two hundred years by the British. Mahatma Gandhi and others tried to prevent spread their religious or ethnic lined. British and Indians politicians pressed for the creation of two states. One Muslim-dominated which were Pakistan. The other one Hindu-
Dominated which were Indians. India was one of the great tragedies of the century. In the sectarian violence hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Then the Muslims traveled to Pakistan and the Hindus to India. Some arrangement unstable lead to three major wars between India and Pakistan. The fourth conflict in 1998-99 the new state of Pakistan was considered of two ‘wings.’ Which was divided by miles of India territory and the gulf of ethnic. During the first war in 1947 a ceasefire line divided Kashmir. Kashmir since then became one of the worlds intractable spots. Over the decades, Pakistani democracy was stifled by a military dictatorship in mostly 1958. The East and the West relationship was progressively more corrupted. West Pakistan in February 22, 1971 took a decision to crush the Awami and it’s supporters. Since the first time it was recognized that a campaign would be necessary to eradicate the threat. After this East Pakistan were taking flight. In April thirty million people of East Pakistan would grasp of the military. The breakdown of the genocide was about 75 million people.
The massacre of China began in February 27, 1947 228 innocents were killed by an anti-government in Taiwan, which was suppressed by the KMT-led Republic of china. This government killed thousands of civilians. About 10,000 to 30,000 or more death. The beginning of Kuomintang White Terror period in Taiwan was marked. Thousand more people were vanished, died or were in prison. Some important events in Taiwan would be its modern history, and the critical impetus for the Taiwanese independence movement. In 1945 events in Taiwan ended up when Japan lost World War 2. In October, the United States

Imagine you are associated with a genocide that occur in an ancestors time? How would you react to these circumstances? What would you do? The term genocide was developed in most cases. This term become a part of legal, political, and ethnical vocabulary that respond to widespread hazard of violence against a group of society. In 1900 a man named Raphael Lemkin who was born in a Polish Jewish family, and was the one who coin the word ‘genocide’. The holocaust is a great example of genocide do to the fact that six million Jews were killed in a very brutal and atrocious way. The holocaust is Greek words that ‘sacrifice by fire’. In January 1993 the Nazis gain power in Germany, and thought Jews were a alien threat to the Germans community. During the early years of the holocaust, Germans authorities and power also targeted other groups like Roma who were the disabled and Slavic people. The poles were the Russians and others who were persecuted on political, behavior grounds, and homosexual then killed. This lead to War World 2 in which by 1945 nearly two out of every three Jews as part of the ‘final solution’. The Nazis from this point on would policy to murder the Jews. In the ultimate months of the war guards would move camps of people by train or on forced marches often called ‘death march’ this would prevent the Allied liberation of abundant of prisoners. The marches continue until May 7, 1945 the day the Germans forces surrender to the Allied. In the western Allied the war had ended in Europe. On the next day May 9 (V-E Day) was celebrated. Some other examples of genocides would be Sudan 1952-1972, Rwanda 1963-1964, Indonesia Oct, 1965-1966, Pakistan Mar-Dec 1971, China Feb-Dec 1947.
Sudan’s genocide began in 1952-1972 the cause of this genocide was because of regional autonomy was the cause of this conflict. The southern African- Christian’s governments were devastated when the British failed to guarantee equity. The Arab-led government, promised to
form a federal system of government, which is located in Khartoum, the south and north would be represented. However the Arab government reneged their promise this led to a mutiny in town of Torit. During the summer of 1955 a military force named Equatorial Crops led by southerners attacked Sudanese government officials. Instead of surrendering many ran into the woods with their weapons and created many insurgent groups was the most effective and the largest group to this conflict. Large numbers of weapons were provided through Uganda and Ethiopia. All the groups the Anya Nya. The conflict lasted until 1972 when the Addis Abada was found on the opposing sides. To the southern provinces with this agreement granted autonomy, however after 11 years to be exact the agreement was totally undermined and conflict would again ensure. In 1993 in Rwanda genocide result once more as a fact.
1994 Rwanda’s genocide, was a planned campaign of murder that occurred over 100 days in April- July 1994. The majority of Hutu population were planned to kill the Futis population who are opposed to the genocidal intentions. More than 800,000 civilians Tutsi and Hutu were killed during the campaign. After the war as many as 2000000 Rwandans vanish the country immediately. The Hutu and the Tutsi were the major ethnic groups. About one-seventh and more than four-fifths of the total population. Followed by the Twa which was 1 percent of the population. These three groups lived together for centuries. The Europeans arrived in the 19th century. The Tutsi and Hutu had social differences. The Tutsi physical appearance were light-skinned and tall, and the Hutu were dark-skinned and short. During the colonial era, Germany and Belgium soon arrived. They assumed that Tutsi and Hutu could be distinguished by physical characteristics. The Germans used the ethnic differences to create a system where no longer the Hutu and the Tutsi would fluid. Then German colonial government ruled.the Hutu began to
proclaim equality, which led to the Hutu revolution. Months of violence followed. Tutsi were killed or left the country. Belgian officially got rid of the Tutsi king who was already out of the country. Rwanda became a republic country. National government came into being the next year independence was proclaimed
Five months of 1965 to early 1966 the genocide of Indonesia occurred. About half a million citizens were killed by anti-communist Indonesia. Almost all victims were associated with Indonesia left. The communist party (PKI) was also associated with the massacre who was under president Sukarno’s guided democracy. The massacres were coordinated by anti-communist of the army. People who want to clear anti-communist would get killed. On the morning of October 1, 1965 the killings followed in which took place in Jakarta. This same day a revolutionary council was formed. The new order period portrayed some events. As a communist capture for power. Recent research show according to john Roosa, ‘ has shown that the (PKI) leadership were closely involved.’ The aims of the operation were more limited. The PKI was destructed which was part of an order that retrieve Suharto’s military-dominated New Order regime to power. The regime left Sukarno’s leftist domestic politics were orientated in foreign. The New Order never cared of the killing, they portrayed both a threat presented to the PKI.
In 1971 Bangladesh had a mass killed. The soviet POWs with annihilation. This was an attempt to seek East Pakistan from the West Pakistan military. This Systemic Campaign aimed at killing millions of Bengalis. The background of East and West Pakistan were forged of it’s independence, which was ruled two hundred years by the British. Mahatma Gandhi and others tried to prevent spread their religious or ethnic lined. British and Indians politicians pressed for the creation of two states. One Muslim-dominated which were Pakistan. The other one Hindu-
Dominated which were Indians. India was one of the great tragedies of the century. In the sectarian violence hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Then the Muslims traveled to Pakistan and the Hindus to India. Some arrangement unstable lead to three major wars between India and Pakistan. The fourth conflict in 1998-99 the new state of Pakistan was considered of two ‘wings.’ Which was divided by miles of India territory and the gulf of ethnic. During the first war in 1947 a ceasefire line divided Kashmir. Kashmir since then became one of the worlds intractable spots. Over the decades, Pakistani democracy was stifled by a military dictatorship in mostly 1958. The East and the West relationship was progressively more corrupted. West Pakistan in February 22, 1971 took a decision to crush the Awami and it’s supporters. Since the first time it was recognized that a campaign would be necessary to eradicate the threat. After this East Pakistan were taking flight. In April thirty million people of East Pakistan would grasp of the military. The breakImagine you are associated with a genocide that occur in an ancestors time? How would you react to these circumstances? What would you do? The term genocide was developed in most cases. This term become a part of legal, political, and ethnical vocabulary that respond to widespread hazard of violence against a group of society. In 1900 a man named Raphael Lemkin who was born in a Polish Jewish family, and was the one who coin the word ‘genocide’. The holocaust is a great example of genocide do to the fact that six million Jews were killed in a very brutal and atrocious way. The holocaust is Greek words that ‘sacrifice by fire’. In January 1993 the Nazis gain power in Germany, and thought Jews were a alien threat to the Germans community. During the early years of the holocaust, Germans authorities and power also targeted other groups like Roma who were the disabled and Slavic people. The poles were the Russians and others who were persecuted on political, behavior grounds, and homosexual then killed. This lead to War World 2 in which by 1945 nearly two out of every three Jews as part of the ‘final solution’. The Nazis from this point on would policy to murder the Jews. In the ultimate months of the war guards would move camps of people by train or on forced marches often called ‘death march’ this would prevent the Allied liberation of abundant of prisoners. The marches continue until May 7, 1945 the day the Germans forces surrender to the Allied. In the western Allied the war had ended in Europe. On the next day May 9 (V-E Day) was celebrated. Some other examples of genocides would be Sudan 1952-1972, Rwanda 1963-1964, Indonesia Oct, 1965-1966, Pakistan Mar-Dec 1971, China Feb-Dec 1947.
Sudan’s genocide began in 1952-1972 the cause of this genocide was because of regional autonomy was the cause of this conflict. The southern African- Christian’s governments were devastated when the British failed to guarantee equity. The Arab-led government, promised to
form a federal system of government, which is located in Khartoum, the south and north would be represented. However the Arab government reneged their promise this led to a mutiny in town of Torit. During the summer of 1955 a military force named Equatorial Crops led by southerners attacked Sudanese government officials. Instead of surrendering many ran into the woods with their weapons and created many insurgent groups was the most effective and the largest group to this conflict. Large numbers of weapons were provided through Uganda and Ethiopia. All the groups the Anya Nya. The conflict lasted until 1972 when the Addis Abada was found on the opposing sides. To the southern provinces with this agreement granted autonomy, however after 11 years to be exact the agreement was totally undermined and conflict would again ensure. In 1993 in Rwanda genocide result once more as a fact.
1994 Rwanda’s genocide, was a planned campaign of murder that occurred over 100 days in April- July 1994. The majority of Hutu population were planned to kill the Futis population who are opposed to the genocidal intentions. More than 800,000 civilians Tutsi and Hutu were killed during the campaign. After the war as many as 2000000 Rwandans vanish the country immediately. The Hutu and the Tutsi were the major ethnic groups. About one-seventh and more than four-fifths of the total population. Followed by the Twa which was 1 percent of the population. These three groups lived together for centuries. The Europeans arrived in the 19th century. The Tutsi and Hutu had social differences. The Tutsi physical appearance were light-skinned and tall, and the Hutu were dark-skinned and short. During the colonial era, Germany and Belgium soon arrived. They assumed that Tutsi and Hutu could be distinguished by physical characteristics. The Germans used the ethnic differences to create a system where no longer the Hutu and the Tutsi would fluid. Then German colonial government ruled.the Hutu began to
proclaim equality, which led to the Hutu revolution. Months of violence followed. Tutsi were killed or left the country. Belgian officially got rid of the Tutsi king who was already out of the country. Rwanda became a republic country. National government came into being the next year independence was proclaimed
Five months of 1965 to early 1966 the genocide of Indonesia occurred. About half a million citizens were killed by anti-communist Indonesia. Almost all victims were associated with Indonesia left. The communist party (PKI) was also associated with the massacre who was under president Sukarno’s guided democracy. The massacres were coordinated by anti-communist of the army. People who want to clear anti-communist would get killed. On the morning of October 1, 1965 the killings followed in which took place in Jakarta. This same day a revolutionary council was formed. The new order period portrayed some events. As a communist capture for power. Recent research show according to john Roosa, ‘ has shown that the (PKI) leadership were closely involved.’ The aims of the operation were more limited. The PKI was destructed which was part of an order that retrieve Suharto’s military-dominated New Order regime to power. The regime left Sukarno’s leftist domestic politics were orientated in foreign. The New Order never cared of the killing, they portrayed both a threat presented to the PKI.
In 1971 Bangladesh had a mass killed. The soviet POWs with annihilation. This was an attempt to seek East Pakistan from the West Pakistan military. This Systemic Campaign aimed at killing millions of Bengalis. The background of East and West Pakistan were forged of it’s independence, which was ruled two hundred years by the British. Mahatma Gandhi and others tried to prevent spread their religious or ethnic lined. British and Indians politicians pressed for the creation of two states. One Muslim-dominated which were Pakistan. The other one Hindu-
Dominated which were Indians. India was one of the great tragedies of the century. In the sectarian violence hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Then the Muslims traveled to Pakistan and the Hindus to India. Some arrangement unstable lead to three major wars between India and Pakistan. The fourth conflict in 1998-99 the new state of Pakistan was considered of two ‘wings.’ Which was divided by miles of India territory and the gulf of ethnic. During the first war in 1947 a ceasefire line divided Kashmir. Kashmir since then became one of the worlds intractable spots. Over the decades, Pakistani democracy was stifled by a military dictatorship in mostly 1958. The East and the West relationship was progressively more corrupted. West Pakistan in February 22, 1971 took a decision to crush the Awami and it’s supporters. Since the first time it was recognized that a campaign would be necessary to eradicate the threat. After this East Pakistan were taking flight. In April thirty million people of East Pakistan would grasp of the military. The breakdown of the genocide was about 75 million people.
The massacre of China began in February 27, 1947 228 innocents were killed by an anti-government in Taiwan, which was suppressed by the KMT-led Republic of china. This government killed thousands of civilians. About 10,000 to 30,000 or more death. The beginning of Kuomintang White Terror period in Taiwan was marked. Thousand more people were vanished, died or were in prison. Some important events in Taiwan would be its modern history, and the critical impetus for the Taiwanese independence movement. In 1945 events in Taiwan ended up when Japan lost World War 2. In October, the United States

down of the genocide was about 75 million people.
The massacre of China began in February 27, 1947 228 innocents were killed by an anti-government in Taiwan, which was suppressed by the KMT-led Republic of china. This government killed thousands of civilians. About 10,000 to 30,000 or more death. The beginning of Kuomintang White Terror period in Taiwan was marked. Thousand more people were vanished, died or were in prison. Some important events in Taiwan would be its modern history, and the critical impetus for the Taiwanese independence movement. In 1945 events in Taiwan ended up when Japan lost World War 2. In October, the United States

es and encounters. In setting of social work practice, it is adjusted these to the exceptional and specific circumstances. Likewise, social work practice should be applied unmistakable methodologies with various customer bunches in a scope of fields. After perusing the articles about family, family social work ought to be mirrored the appropriate strategy, experiences and center abilities. It is incorporated the method for approach, social competency and interchanges aptitudes in working with family.

It is imperative to address the family-focused methodology which is underpinnings the hypothesis in working with families. It very well may be clarified that family-focused practice includes an attention on working with families/whanau, not only working with singular individual from families. This methodology is likewise consistent with biological hypothesis. As per Bronfenbrenner (Berger, 2008, p.87), human advancement and family working can be impacted commonly by a layer of natural viewpoints like society and relationship. As needs be, unique individual is probably going to be interlinked surroundings from the home as a small scale framework to wide society or culture as a macrosystem. In this way, family-focused methodology can be viable in managing family matters. Family Group Conference is a decent delineation of this community oriented family-focused methodology. Discoveries of universal research (Kanyi, 2013, p.39) demonstrated that expanding on family qualities and working in organization with families to help youngsters turned out a beneficial outcome of kids' prosperity.

Be that as it may, the importance of family has different relying upon setting and use. In New Zealand setting, legitimate meanings of family connections are changing so as to think about of social and social standards. There are assortment types of family in NZ, for example, accepted relationship, more distant families of Maori whanau and same sex family. Thusly, as far as training, it ought to be viewed as the limits of family. Further thought ought to be given to financially, geologically, socially and socially minimized families. Social consultant, Choice and Partnership Approach and adaptable area of arrangements started by CAMHS can be urge to better commitment in social work practice (Appleby and Phillips, 2013, 29-30).

All the more critically, social work specialists ought to have social competency. Culture can be characterized as a special part of individual and a lifestyle. Upon the comprehension of environmental hypothesis, families could share and be impacted by culture as a large scale framework. As needs be, plainly broad information about differing societies can be valuable for understanding the customer's practices, responses, and choices in social work setting. For instance, the utilization of te reo Maori, karakia and whakapapa when working with Maori family can be framed by demonstrating gratefulness and regard for their experiences that can add to more profound commitment and compatibility (Mooney, 2012, p.51). Not just affinity is fundamental when working with Maori, yet viable utilization of youth culture additionally can be useful executes for youth to improve commitment.

Another, viable relational abilities are center to great work with kids and families. Unmistakably the nature of connection among experts and customers is a key determinant of effective results in all social work regions. As needs be, to set up close affinity with customers requires explicit method for correspondence relying upon person's conditions. Specifically, small kids' points of view ought to be considered in their procedures in social work setting. As indicated by The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC), endorsed by New Zealand in 1993, furnishes us with an unmistakable basic to tune in to youngsters. Article 12 says youngsters reserve 'the privilege to express those perspectives uninhibitedly in all issues influencing the kid, the perspectives on the kid being given due weight as per the age and development of the kid' (UNICEF, 1989, Article 12). Winter (2010, p.186) found that little youngsters are able to do express their sentiments in their exploration. Accordingly, working with youngsters requires adaptable strategies for correspondence, brilliant listening abilities and inventive methods for including kids simultaneously. Utilizing explicit methods for correspondence, for example, utilizing a bug gram outline, drawing and pretend can be viable method for drawing out their perspectives (social work now, 2012, 36-37). Above all, Social specialists need to show a similar significant levels of compassion for a person's conditions, regard for their desires and wants and credibility in reacting to them.

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