How the leader handle his or her emotions

How does the leader handle his or her emotions?
How does the team deal with emotions?
Describe the team’s level of EI. Is this an area that the leader needs to help the team develop?
How might leaders enhance team EI? Give specific examples.
When thinking of leaders communication, would you describe the leaders’ communication style as persuasive, manipulative, or coercive? Why?
Think of at least two different team members in the team and describe their communication style.
Is there a certain communication style that is most dominant on this team?
How does the leaders’ communication style affect team members?
Philosophy and Style
What type of philosophy (theory X or theory Y) seems to be held by leaders and other members of the team?
What type of leadership style have you adopted as a leader (authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire)?
What action steps would help enhance the leadership style in the team?
You might need to interview some team members to gather answers. You should do some research by using the South University Online Library or the Internet to help you formulate the necessary action steps. If you are the leader of the team, you should ask members of the team to help you develop answers to the questions.


Sample Solution

atzis and McKee (2013) state that a good leader knows the different leadership styles and what style is best to use for what situation. The authors go on to state that a good leader is able to change their leadership style if they feel that their style is not working and to choose a more appropriate style to get the best out of those around them. In the situation I was faced with, the patient was intoxicated, standing in a bus stop talking to those around him. Arriving on scene we were not aware of the full extent to the emergency, as I needed to keep the patient calm and required him to cooperate with us, I took on an authoritative leadership role. Feldman et al (2011) states that an authoritative style helps to inspire others into doing what is required and often uses the phrase “come with me” when you want someone to do something. This worked well at first with the patient to gain their trust in me as a clinician so that I was able speak to them to gather more information as to why we were called. The patient was refusing to come with the crew to the ambulance and proceeded to explain what had happened to him. Whilst explaining he had informed us he had been stabbed in the chest and this was when my role changed. I needed a more assertive role, Sfantou, et al. (2017) states that autocratic leadership works better in time critical situations as a single person takes charge and tells each person what to do. Blaber and Harris (2014) suggest this is also the best method of asking direct questions to get the information as quickly as possible. Blaber (2012) goes on to state this is good for inexperienced staff such as the student, as it provides clear instructions on what they need to do. The author does go on to state that this can have a negative effect as team members don’t develop their own problem-solving skills as they are just told what to do. The paramedic, who was the highest ranked clinician on scene had opted to take a laissez-faire leadership, which Yang (2015) states is good for encouraging personal development but still being kept in the loop of information. By adopting this style, the paramedic was able to let me use my skills to treat the patient whilst still being there in case I needed further interventions, this allowed me to develop my trauma skills. Looking back I realised that the paramedic had also adopted a coaching style to assist me as this was my first trauma job. the paramedic being the senior clinician, took on a coaching role, as this would be able to develop my skills further by questioning what it was that I needed and wanted from the situation (Phillips, 1996). I realise the paramedic had used the GROW model (Whitmore and McFarlane, 2017) as they helped me to realise what it was that I wanted, what stage was I at in the process, what can I do and what am I going to do. The paramedic then helped to assist me to achieve these goals. Whitmore and McFarlane (2017) designed the model that can provide the structure that has the potential to increase the persons potential by increasing confidence and motivation, with both long term and short-term benefits. I realised that the paramedic used a coaching style as it is designed for individual situations and provides short term education, whereas mentoring is more useful for long

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