2-3 minute power point presentation on how to apply Cost Principles to an upcoming purchase. To include ability, allocability. reasonableness, consistent treatment, direct and indirect costs.
Between the fuel pipe and the second enclosure is a space of 0,040538 m3 over full length. The second enclosure will be purged with nitrogen and when there is fire possibility in normal condition, the phenolic foam will isolate the fire. The water absorption in 24 hours is between 5 and 6%. So the sensors have a couple hours to measure a difference between values of the pump sensor and the pressure gauge sensor who’s fitted before the valve unit. In those hours the fuel will slowly drain and become gas, because the insulation layer still keep the fluid from the outside pipe.
Inert gas lines
On every chemical tanker there is an inert gas system installed for the cargo tanks, it can be arranged as such that the two duties can be combined. The inert purge gas is to keep the area safe, the nitrogen that is purged to the area brings the percentage of air to such a low level that the cargo or LNG fuel can’t be ignited. The system for the fuel lines will have 3 inert gas lines to be sure that the system is always kept safe when a dangerous situation appears. The gas that is used to purge the fuel lines is nitrogen. The cargo tanks are purged with nitrogen, the LNG fuel system will only be purged when a dangerous situation appears. An example of a dangerous situation is that there will be a 40% LEL gas detection measured by a gas sensor. LEL means lower explosive limit, this value is the lowest concentration of a gas or a vapour in air capable of producing a fire with or without an ignition source.
The required temperature of the LNG for combustion is between 0 and 60 ˚C. The LNG will be transported from the tank with a temperature of -162 ˚C. The vaporizer needs to be able of rising the temperature with a minimum of 162 ˚C and with a maximum of 222 ˚C.
There are 4 ways to vaporize the LNG:
Open Rack Vaporizers (ORV)
Submerged Combustion Vaporizers (SCV)
Ambient Air Vaporizers (AAV)
Intermediate Fluid Vaporizers (IFV)
Open Rack Vaporizers(ORV)
The open rack vaporizer is a heat exchanger that uses seawater as the source of heat. This kind of heat exchanger is worldwide used at LNG terminals. The temperature of the sea