How to encourage healthier eating at your school.


Write a proposal for how to encourage healthier eating at your school. Your proposal
should address a problem that you have identified and be addressed to an audience that might help you solve
the problem. Possible audiences are student government, your principal, parents of students, or the
superintendent of your school district. You may want to propose changes to the food that is available to
students or ways of educating them to be consumers of healthier food.
You should provide a justification for the solution you propose based on your research and include at least four
sources including examples and/or quotations from the articles you have read; information from videos or
websites that your teacher has suggested.

Sample Solution

School lunches, breakfasts, and snacks contribute to a great number of food that children eat while in school for the whole week. Being able to access healthy, nutritionally balanced food in school can benefit kids in focusing and excelling in their classes, and can also help them make good eating habits their lifestyle. As a parent, you can encourage your kids to eat well in school by educating them at home and getting involved in their school’s meal programs. Teachers, administrators, and students can also work together to improve nutritional options at school and encourage students to eat better.

purchasing power means consumers have more income to purchase more milk to adjust to their healthy lifestyle. This will create an opportunity for A2 to earn more. However, Australia economy is experiencing a slow growth, this will cause the profitability to decrease. In addition, some parents prefers to breastfeed their child therefore, this creates a threat to the demand of infant milk.


Social factors are general environment that represents the demographic characteristics, norms, customs and values of the population within which the organization operates (B2U –, 2019). Infant milk industry, the targeted audience would be babies, however some parents prefer to breastfeed their child.


Technological factors are revolution in technology that may affect the operations of the industry and the market favourably or unfavourably. It also affects the decision of the company whether to enter certain industries or to launch a product (B2U –, 2019). Factors that affects the operations could be one of the few followings impact on cost production, impact on product offer and technological development. If all the technology implemented by A2 Milk benefits the company, other competitors will try to copy their ideas. All the mentioned factors are all interconnected in technology because if the innovation is popular and it affects competitors revenue, others wills try to copy the idea. These are factors that needs to be monitored at all times, causing it to be a threat. However, with technology, it will still help to generate great profit to the company and the earning can be used for research and development to enhance their profitability.


Environment factors has surfaced due to increasing scarcity of raw materials, pollution targets and carbon footprint targets set by governments (B2U –, 2019). In the milk industry, it is heavily dependent on the health and availability of livestock. There are several factors that could affect the livestock, such as diseases or climate change. Diseases will have impact on the cows and this will cause a decline in quality of the milk and supply if cows are being slaughtered. In addition, climate change will affect the quality of the milk cause manufacture needs to find ways to preserve the milk under the weather conditions without the milk

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