How use opiate began in the world


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Sample Solution

How use opiate began in the world

Opioids includes compounds that are extracted from the poppy seed as well as semi-synthetic and synthetic compounds with similar properties that can interact with opioid receptors in the brain. Opioids have analgesic and sedative effects, and are commonly used for the management of pain. Medical prescriptions for opioid started to increase sharply in the mid-to late 1990s [NIDA, 2014]. Shortly thereafter, non-medical opioid use also started to increase markedly, reaching a peak of 2.7 million new users in 2002 [Kolodny et al., 2015]. Their regular non-medical use, prolonged use, misuse and use without medical supervision can lead to opioid dependence and other health problems. Opioids use can also lead to death due to the effects of opioids on the part of the brain which regulates breathing.

separated by a title name: Employment, Affordability, Age, Learning Advances, Employer Perceptions and Burning Out. Underneath said concerns, descriptions are stated involving information that may not be known by future learners. However, in addition, Sabell also notes information that gives awareness of how to address and overcome said concerns. ‘I’m too old to study’ shows ones age as a negative barrier. Whereas, ‘age is their greatest advantage,’ attains a positive quality and illustrates their experiences of the world and their knowledge gained from the importance of learning. This piece of research is dated from 2017 and is considered relevant and fairly up to date. Also, the source reference of this article is from The College for Adult Learning, reassuringly confidence is given in that the knowledge and information published is creditable, as it’s from an educational setting.

According to Caschera (2013), the three biggest challenges facing adult learners are balancing school and life, accessibility and costs. The realisation of how time management is essential when deciding to enter or re-enter education is evident in all aspects of living. ‘The Balancing Act’ is detrimental to the success of progression, but many adult learners have family and work obligations. Furthermore, these ‘additional responsibilities can lead to stress and frustration for adult learners.’ It is then considered that accessibility is linked to time commitments and therefore attendance to classes may become more difficult during the regular course timetable, as employment and childcare may cause conflict. In turn, reluctance in the pursuit of higher education may occur. The long-term cost of higher education can also have a major impact on adult learners living situations.
However, knowledge of these concerns is being addressed by many educational institutes, resulting in more flexible options being made.
Moreover, positive information is given first and then the concerns are then

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