Drawing from your own experiences and knowledge as well as any research you wish to do, how would you define theology, psychology? What does each discipline offer to human knowledge and understanding? Are the two disciplines at odds in any way? Do they complement each other? Are you drawn to either discipline as you figure out the meaning of your own life and vocation? Write a paragraph or two as you contemplate some of these questions. Your writing can be in the form of a personal journal entry, which is usually more informal and more personal than essay writing. (about 300 words)
Sample Solution
A bureaucracy is a model of organization centered on guidelines, chain of command, impersonality and labor division. It has been the leading system of organization for more than a century. Grey argues that Post-bureaucracy is built on confidence, enablement, personal conduct as well as collective responsibility(2006). But it carries its own difficulties in control loss, inequity as well as risk. The generation Facebook expect the work’s social environment to be a reflection of the social content in the web. The author says that they will utilize the 12 realities so as to determine whether a company is with it.
The first reality that the author states is that all ideas on the web compete on an equal footing. In the Web, ideas ought to compete sovereign from the individual who came up with them. Every idea has merit and has to be treated in an equal way. (Hamel, 2016). Another reality which the author talks about is that contribution counts for more than credentials. It’s what one is capable of and the actions they take, not their school of education or what they are qualified to do. What matters most is what an individual contributes but not their credentials (Hamel, 2016).
The third reality states that hierarchies are built bottom up. It’s insufficient to have a regular managerial structure, it is also essential to let fresh groups to form, in a natural way just as it happens on the Web. There is a strong requirement for self-managed teams with this group. In all online Web forums, there are always the people who normally get more attention and respect from people than others; they as a result have more influence whenever they say anything. It is worth noting that these individuals do not get any sort of appointments from any superior persons. Hamel (2016) says that it is instead the