HR policies




Within organizations, the human resources department is considered an ally by some managers and a barrier by others. The legal requirements of managing HR require you to be the dispenser of policies, procedures, and rules at times and a trusted counselor and guide at other times. There are varying perspectives on the value HR policies bring to an organization. In other words, the policies, procedures, or rules may be viewed as tools that help or hinder leaders from managing their people and will either detract from or enhance company performance. When not properly aligned with the company’s goals, they can negatively affect the success of the organization. You know that you need to review the current HR policies, procedures, and rules and anticipate that you may be recommending changes, additions, or deletions. Because you are still new and solidifying your position within the company, you are concerned that missteps now will cost you your “place at the table.”
You decide to consult with your mentor-an experienced, powerful HR executive at another company. She presents the following for you to consider:
What steps will you take in your policy, procedure, and HR rules review with the jewelry company?
What will that involve? As you consider their HR policies, how will you ensure they are effectively aligned with what you see as the company’s goals?
If you find areas where policy revision is needed, how will you present your recommendations?
How do you feel your recommendations will be viewed?
Do you anticipate resistance? If so, what plan do you have to overcome that?
What do you see as the possible outcome from policy revision in terms of impact on the company’s performance?

Sample Solution

When conducting a review of current HR policies, procedures and rules it is essential to ensure that changes or revisions are effectively aligned with the company’s goals. The steps I would take in order to achieve this include:

1) Conduct an organizational assessment to analyze the effectiveness of current practices – This includes gathering data from internal sources such as employee surveys, performance reviews and exit interviews (Gibson et al., 2017). Additionally external resources such as industry reports, customer feedback and competitor analysis can also provide insights into areas which could be improved upon (Noe et al., 2019).

2) Develop an action plan for improvement – Once insights have been gathered it is important to develop an action plan which outlines strategies on how improvements can be made with regards to policies, procedures or rules related to HR (Ostroff et al., 2019; Shulman & Kidd 2020). This should involve considering all potential stakeholders affected by any changes so as to ensure effective communication when implementing new initiatives.

3) Review existing policies/procedures- After assessing current practices it is necessary to determine whether any new HR strategies need to be implemented in order for them to align with company goals (McDonald 2018). Existing policies/procedures should then be reviewed accordingly so that all necessary criteria are met before implementation. Additionally tracking systems should also be put into place so progress of each policy can easily be monitored over time (MacDonald & Schmitt 2015).

4) Monitor results- Finally monitoring results is key in ensuring success of any changes made; feedback loops should therefore be established between various stakeholders throughout organization so adjustments can continue being made if needed while striving towards desired outcomes associated with revised processes and structures (Ostroff et al., 2019; Adams & Pringle 2014).

In conclusion, there are several steps which need to taken in order for HR policies, procedures and rules within jewelery company may become effective aligned with their goals. These include conducting an organizational assessment along with developing an action plan for improvement followed by review existing policies/procedures and finally monitoring results closely through establishment of feedback loops between relevant stakeholders.


“The uncommon exhaustiveness of Kautilyas’ work, its prominent inductiveness and viable character, its resolute rationale, lack of regard of extrinsic good or religious standard and its extensive variety of subjects and interests gave it a remarkable blend of features..”[1]

– D.R.Bhandarkar

In Indian history, the hundreds of years to come and that cruised by, are recorded numerous incredible people and amazing characters who molded time through their exceptional deeds and their perfection in each ability. However, among of them, Kautilya might be the just a single identity who has been regarded and acknowledged as a splendid individual by Indian researchers as well as western Scholars as well. Kautilya was incredible political logician and mastermind. We have been portrayed as an extraordinary educator, canny statesman, dedicated nationalist, profound mastermind, merciless head, ace strategist, benevolent parsimonious, perfect savant and genuine saint.[2] He is called all-rounder since he got dominance in every one of the parts of learning. He was knowledgeable in business, fighting, Politics, Economics and Vedas. He lived around the third century B.C. however, even today his thoughts and standards demonstrate importance and pertinence in the present day society. He is an authentic achievement really taking shape of India. Kautilya is the best individual with astuteness and information. He is respected pioneer in the field of Economics. The credit of foundation of Mauryan Empire goes to the prescience and learning of Kautilya. He was a key counselor and councilor of Chandragupta Maurya, the originator of Mauryan Empire. “This realm was not simply made out of various irrelevant locale united under single sceptra; it was a genuine unit dependent on normal government which wherever settled the lord’s position as well as people in general good.[3] Kautilya was boss modeler of his ascent to control so he is called kingmaker as well. A man brimming with vision; he was constantly arranged for the most noticeably bad. He had the guts to talk his heart out even before the rulers. He himself lived such a real existence, rejecting all enhancements, empathy towards poor people and insidiousness to trickery when required which demonstrates a portion of his great attributes of nature. Kautilya was an educator at the University of Takshashila which is situated close Peshawar in Pakistan. He was the primary man to imagine the principal Indian Empire by unification of the different little kingdoms in the Indian subcontinent.

His noticeable works are Nitishastra, Chanakya Niti and Arthashastra. Among these, Arthshastra was generally vital. He thought about financial movement as main impetus behind the working of any political activity. Kautilya was a genuine scholar who crossed over any barrier among information and vision. For Kautilya, great administration was preeminent.


Lamentably There isn’t certainity about the day and age of the Kautilya So, subtleties of his introduction to the world and life are not reliable and we need to depend on convention. The normal time of the Kautilya is from 350-283 B.C.E. There are not very many genuine chronicled realities about his introduction to the world and demise with the exception of that he caused Chandragupta to mount the honored position, to fortify his domain and to join the

Indian states for battling against Alexander of Macedonia around 327 B.C.E. Chandragupta Maurya built up the Mauryan Empire in the year 321 B.C.E. Kautilya was likely conceived around 350 B.C.E. This demonstrates Kautilya was junior contemporary of Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.). There is no evidence that Kautilya was influenced by Aristotleâ€ÿs thought. A few students of history have “addressing about Kautilyaâ€ÿs presence”. His place of birth isn’t guaranteed. Some state that he got the name Chanakya on the grounds that he was conceived in China. The Buddhist notices his origination as Takshashila while Jaina sacred text notice his origin as Chanak in Gola area of South India. As per one adaptation, origin of Chanakya was Dravida so one of the Chanakyaâ€ÿs different names was Dramila. Some trusts his origin was Patliputra. Be that as it may, Kautilyaâ€ÿs origin will keep on residual a debate. Kautilya had two other two names – Chanaka and vishnugupta. As he was conceived in the town of chanaka, he was called chanakya , Dr. Ganapati Shastri is of the conclusion that he was conceived in the ‘ kutala’ gotra. Consequently he was named as Kautilya. His folks gave him the name of Vishnugupta at ‘namkaran’ ceremony.[4]

At the point when Kautilya was conceived, he had favored with the full arrangement of teeth, which demonstrated that youngster will move toward becoming lord or sovereign.

Rishi Chanak was a Kautilya’s dad who was found out Brahmin. He was an educator instructor so he knew the significance of training. He began showing his child Kautilya in his initial age.

In his initial age, Kautilya was knowledgeable in Vedas; however he remembered them totally at early age, At that old time, the Vedas were considered as the hardest sacred text to think about. He was likewise shown arithmetic, geology and science alongside religion. Ideal from his youth, Kautilyaâ€ÿs insight and smarts was noticeable and successful. His most loved subject was Politics. Kautilya had seen extremely troublesome conditions from his youth. His father,Chanak was savvy, better than average and self regarded Brahmin. He restricted bad form or everlasting deeds. The false and haughty lord Dhannanda disliked him normally. The ruler disparated the rightness of Chanak so he bugged Chanakâ€ÿs family for phony reasons. Chanak was placed in jail by the ruler. He kicked the bucket in jail. Nobody raised a voice against the unfairness with Chanak. Kautilya was an almost no kid that time. He was to a great degree miserable due to his fatherâ€ÿs passing and foul play occurred with his family. After his fatherâ€ÿs demise, his life was likewise in threat. So he left Patliputra by taking a promise that he would return and battle against shamefulness and deliver retribution against Dhannanda. Kautilya had his training at a popular college of Takshashila which was exceptionally rumored one around then.

Being a Brahmin of solid assurance anf solid will, he thought to render retribution from Nanda – King of Patliputra. He left the capital mortified and he went to scan for a warrior. On his way, he ran over the youthful Chandragupta. He found in the last a promising young fellow and began the battle for his establishment on the position of authority of Magadha. Their First endeavor Proved to be a disappointment. Anyway in the long run, Chandragupta regrouped his powers, overpowered the borderstates and propelled assault on the capital. The underhanded ruler Dhannanda best of Nanda administration wa gifted in 322BC. Accordingly another tradition Maurya was built up with Chandragupta Maurya enthroned as the lord of Magadha in 321 BC and ruled upto 298 BC.

The credit for this triumph goes to kautilya broadly acknowledged name whose conciliatory aptitude and all encompassing information of organization empowered Chandragupta, his understudy not exclusively to triumph against the Nandas yet additionally merge his empire.[5]

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