Human Body/Microbes Discussion

From what you read in Human Body, pick one set of pages, i.e. pages 12 and 13 on “Head and Neck 1.” Make a case for what you think is the most important
fact from these 2 pages. What is it that you think the authors were really trying to convey and what should somebody who has looked at these pages walk
away thinking about? Back up your argument with points from the book. You may want to add information from outside sources to make your case. Refer to
the book somewhere in your post and make sure that you give credit and include a works cited if you are using information from another source. You don’t
have to cite information that comes from your personal experience and I encourage you to tie your own experiences into these posts.
Assignment B, One page) For each module, you will make a discussion post about I Contain Multitudes. You will make your post for the assigned section for
each module. See the reading guide for more details on which parts of the book correspond to which modules. In your discussion post, make a case for how
the readings tie into 1). ecology, 2). the microbiome, and 3). what it means to be an animal or how animals are able to survive and function. Make sure to
refer to I Contain Multitudes somewhere in your post. This can be as simple as saying “In chapter 2 of I Contain Multitudes, Ed Yong talked about…”. If you a…
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suggests that an effective teacher must see the learning through the children’s eyes for it to become successful and scaffold the learning as demonstrated by Vygotsky (1978). Scaffolding the learning cultivates habits and cultures which will enable children to reach the zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978). Similarly, Dwek (2012) has recently pioneered Growth mindset, in settings, teaching people that you can grow your abilities through hard work and effective scaffolding. Therefore, if educators provide the necessary scaffolding through SEL, by equipping children with the skills necessary they should become successful, hardworking and valued members of society.
To conclude, it has been shown how essential social and emotional learning is, not only to the individual but to society. Early intervention is key. When implementing SEL the earlier the implementation, the earlier you are equipping children with the essential skills and knowledge to be able to partake in daily life. In the same way, early intervention is key to children essentially early intervention with families is also vital to eradicate persistent unwanted behaviours. We have focused on Maslow, Bronfenbrenner, Bowlby, Vygotsky and many other theorists; examined the influence their concepts still have on current practise. Evidence has shown that influences such as alcohol and illicit drugs have a detrimental effect on children not only at birth but continue into adulthood; evidence suggests that SEL will support them into confidently taking the right path in life.

Finally, SEL is a compulsory subject however, the amount varies in each setting and this can have a damaging effect on children. ‘It has been shown that children with greater social- emotional competence are more likely to be ready for college, succeed in their careers, have positive relationships and better mental health, and become engaged citizens’

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