Imagine that, as a health care manager, you are preparing to provide your employees their annual performance feedback that will acknowledge both their areas of strengths and their deficiencies. Think of some strategies you will use to deliver the feedback and the steps you will take to avoid any biases.
Respond to the following questions:
What are some strategies to consider when delivering performance appraisals to health care employees?
What strategies have or have not worked for you in the past, either as a manager delivering a performance appraisal or as an employee receiving a performance appraisal?
Strategies That Have or Have Not Worked for Me in the Past
As a manager, I have found that the following strategies have worked well for me when delivering performance appraisals:
As an employee, I have found that the following strategies have worked well for me when receiving performance appraisals:
Steps to Avoid Bias
It is important to avoid bias when delivering performance appraisals. Here are some steps you can take to avoid bias:
By following these strategies, you can deliver performance appraisals that are fair and unbiased. This will help to ensure that your employees are motivated to improve their performance and that your organization is successful.