Human resources specialist with experience in establishing OSHA protocols


In a 2-3-page executive memorandum for the organizational leadership team, you will explain the mission and function of OSHA and analyze the overarching safety standards that impact the cost of regulations and enforcement in modern organizations.

Creating a culture of workplace safety and legal compliance is a very real task for the human resource professional. Each type of work setting has some overarching safety standards. Compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is part of everyday record keeping and expenses within a business.

You will have the opportunity to learn more about OSHA and how its work impacts modern organizations. By creating a memorandum for your leadership team, you will get practical experience communicating the legal issues, expenses, and benefits of compliance with OSHA regulations.

Your organization is reviewing their Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) practices and expenses to determine if they are currently effective or if they need to be revisited. Your executive memorandum will serve as background information for the ongoing discussions between organizational leadership and the human resource department.

Your Challenge
You are a human resources specialist with experience in establishing OSHA protocols and the related costs. You will write the memorandum of explanation to the organizational leadership team so that they can carry on an informed discussion about practices in your organization.

1. Write a 3–5-page executive memorandum to organizational leadership regarding the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and its effectiveness in the workplace. Include the following:
Describe the mission and function of OSHA.
What is OSHA intended to do? Is it working?
List some of the compliance objectives, or the overarching safety standards.
Analyze the impact of OSHA in modern organizations.
What does the HRM professional need to know about OSHA?
Analyze the cost of regulations and enforcement versus the benefit in reduced worker injury. Is the cost of regulations and enforcement worth the results?
Develop health- and safety-related best practices for human resources and organizational leadership.
Are there different perspectives toward interpretation, monitoring, and compliance with OSHA, and do the differing perspectives enhance or hinder workplace safety?
Evaluate the ways in which a company can mitigate risk.

Sample Solution

ort story “A&P” composed by John Updike is around three young ladies who enter a supermarket in a little Massachusetts town wearing only their swimsuits when a 19 year old clerk named Sammy detects the young ladies he right away generalizes every one of the three young ladies as he sees them. Every one is given an epithet that truly portrays them while at the same time positioning them, with the most alluring one being nicknamed Queenie the main component of the setting isn’t simply the supermarket yet the time-frame in which it happens. The brief tale happens around the time that it was composed. The explanation the time-frame is so significant in this brief tale is a result of how various things were in those days where it was as yet normal for men to expect, they were superior to ladies. Sammy shows this when he is discussing one of the young ladies and says “do you think there is a psyche in there or only a tad buzz like a honey bee in a glass container?” (page 150). Additionally, back in that day ladies concealed their bodies more, it was disapproved of assuming a young lady flaunted her body the manner in which these three young ladies did. The setting assumes a significant part in the topic of this story too, with the topic being decisions and outcomes and sexism. Each person in the story has some kind of outcome in view of their own decisions all through the story the three young ladies get hollered at by the chief for entering the store with just their swimsuits on. The clerk Sammy leaves his place of employment in view of the administrator shouting at the young ladies and humiliating them. So the chief hollering at the three young ladies caused ramifications for both himself and for Sammy in light of the fact that Sammy currently doesn’t have some work and presently the store is short staffed and should track down somebody to put Sammy. The following topic is sexism, sexism towards lady was much more normal and significantly more OK in those days. The writer utilizes this setting to show authenticity by strikingly clarifying what is happening, what paths the young ladies are strolling down and, even the thing they’re wearing this assists with laying out an image in the perusers head. The creator likewise utilizes the setting of the actual supermarket to show a hilarious tone by alluding to clients as “sheep” Sammy says “The sheep pushing their trucks down the path” (page 151) The sheep represents individuals who simply follow the heard, doing whatever every other person around them is doing, and essentially have no brain of their own. He additionally alludes to one more client as “one of those sales register watchers”( page 149) likewise saying “I realize it made her days to entangle me she’s been watching sales registers for fifty yea

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