Humanitarian crisis

The humanitarian crises of the 1990s led the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) to formulate the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in 2001. R2P was unanimously affirmed by the UN nations and the UN Security Council (UNSC) at the UN World Summit in 2005.

Identify a time when the U.S. was confronted with its Responsibility to Protect foreign citizens. What did we do? Did we fulfill our responsibility? What did our actions cost us? Was it worth it?

Sample Answer

The Responsibility to Protect is a document that reiterates the need for individual states and the international community to protect its citizens from humanitarian crises like genocide, war crimes and against humanity among others pertaining to it. This doctrine was endorsed in 2005 UN World Summit meeting and where member states committed to the principle of provision of responsibility to protect her citizens. This paper will provide a comprehensive insight into the application of this principle putting United States into context especially with regards to foreign citizens so as to actually appreciate the sovereignty and sanctity that comes with humanity and will exploit whether it was worth an action to commit

There has been a developing enthusiasm for Healthcare Information innovation and utilization of electronic wellbeing records (EHR) in social insurance offices. Executing another EHR framework is a change procedure that ought not be trifled with and ought to include having every pertinent partner on board just as having a decent precise arrangement. Rogers (2003) features five characteristics that positively affect the pace of selection of advancements.

The reason for this exposition is to think about the five qualities as recognized in the hypothesis of dissemination of advancements (Rogers, 2003) and examine how these highlights can be applied by a medical attendant facilitator to manage change opposition from attendants and encourage fruitful usage of another electronic wellbeing records in a little emergency clinic. As indicated by (Hunt, Sproat, and Kitzmiller, 2004), the presentation of another innovation framework requires medical caretakers working at the purposes of care at all levels to be required for a smooth progress and high appropriation rate. Rogers (2003) characterizes selection rate as "the relative speed with which a development is embraced by individuals from a social framework" (206). For this situation, it is worried about how quick the medical clinic partners, especially the attendants will receive the new framework.


There is some obstruction against the new innovation communicated by the medical attendants. Essentially, opposition against change is a typical response by different partners in any association. Notwithstanding if the worries raised by those partners are overlooked, the pace of reception of the new framework will be eased back fundamentally. Hence as a medical attendant facilitator, it is essential to discover approaches to oversee obstruction by tending to the worries raised by the attendants (Cresswell, and Sheik, 2009).

Protection from change can because of numerous reasons including doubt, absence of correspondence, dread of the obscure and absence of aptitudes. To address their worries, stage one will be to comprehend their purposes behind opposing the new framework and manage it likewise. A portion of the procedures utilized to oversee obstruction incorporate making the staff some portion of the change through meetings (, 2013), great correspondence, guaranteeing them that the change is sure, guaranteeing them that they will be appropriately prepared and utilizing the five characteristics by Rogers, (2003) to exhibit the proposed framework.

Utilizing the five characteristics laid out by Rogers (2003) to help with setting up the medical caretakers for the up and coming execution.

Relative Advantage

The nature of relative preferred position is identified with singular social observation. With this element set up, the partners see the new framework to be prevalent or superior to anything the one they are utilizing. As per Rogers (2003), relative preferred position is the degree to which the new thought is asserted to be more profitable than the thought going before it. At the point when the relative bit of leeway is high, the pace of reception will likewise be high (Lee, 2004). So as to display the new thought such that will enable the medical attendants to see its favorable circumstances, Visual introductions, for example, diagrams and graphs will be utilized. Additionally, looking at the focal points and hindrances of the new framework one next to the other will be useful (McGonigle, and Mastrian, 2014). In conclusion, tributes from individuals who have effectively executed the new EHR will be given to guarantee the attendants of the advantages of the proposed change in this way upgrade their discernment.


This quality is worried about the consistency between the new framework and the current qualities, current needs of the medical clinic and encounters throughout the years (Rogers, 2003). Medical attendants have care objectives and they ought to be guaranteed that the new framework is perfect with those objectives. Moreover, medical attendants need to place significance in what they do and they need the time went through with the PC and the new electronic wellbeing record framework to be useful to the patients. To win the endorsement of the medical attendants, I will feature the particular focal points of utilizing the new framework over the old route in connection to improved support of clients, efficient because of fast information recovery and wellbeing of the records put away electronically.


Unpredictability quality is worried about straightforwardness or trouble in working the new framework (Rogers, 2003). Medical caretakers could oppose the new framework in the event that they dread that it will be difficult to ace and work. To expand chances for acknowledgment, the initial step is to procure an easy to use framework. The staff will be guaranteed that the innovation is anything but difficult to ace so as to build the reception rate and decrease obstruction. A model could be utilized to exhibit fundamental strides in the new framework. Conveying to the attendants about the booked preparing will promise them that they will settle any multifaceted nature issues during at that point. Likewise, I would display the thought in a way that underscores on the advantages of the new framework like that attendants will have more opportunity to go through with their patients and surveying the advancement in light of the fact that the new innovation will assist them with performing undertakings better and quicker with higher precision rate (Bates, 2010). Trialability

The trialability quality as per (Rogers, 2003) centers around the level of exploring different avenues regarding the new framework. The attendants will need to know whether they can make adjustments or change the framework and to what degree. They need a framework they can investigate and play around with while learning. A framework that can be undermined by a tick of one wrong key may confront more opposition than that which enables the medical caretakers to investigate without anyone else making sense of things as they do. An adaptable framework makes the attendants progressively sure as they can curve it to meet their requirements in this way expanding the pace of reception (Lee, 2004). To address this worry, I will guarantee that the framework procured is adaptable and simple to investigate. Additionally, the arranged preparing should be compelling enough to manage nurture on the most proficient method to investigate the framework without creating any harm. Recognizability

The discernibleness quality is worried about indicating proof that the EHR proposed has been effectively received in different conditions. The attendants need to know without a doubt that the new framework will fill in as disclosed so as to raise their trust. As indicated by Rogers (2003), thoughts with clear and recognizable outcomes have a high pace of selection than those with downplayed results (Rogers, 2003). The probability to embrace the new framework increments with the capacity to see the results. To utilize this component, tributes will be utilized whereby different foundations who have embraced the EHR affirm of its advantages by contrasting the work when usage. Additionally, a model can be utilized to show certain errands utilizing the framework, for example, plotting diagrams of the patients' advancement. Demonstrating the medical caretakers how quick and successful making outlines is while utilizing the framework when contrasted with the old ways builds adoptability rate.


Embracing the five characteristics by Rogers (2003) while showing the new framework to the medical caretakers can help decrease opposition and increment adoptability. As an attendant facilitator, tending to the worries raised by the medical caretakers and stressing the advantages of the new framework will expand chances for endorsement. As a change operator, I ought to urge different medical attendants to see the need of executing the new framework so as to improve administrations to our patients just as make the emergency clinic progressively effective.

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