Hypothesis, method, result of journals

summary of 3 journal articles (please be specific with the longer journal too)
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State the (1) hypothesis, (2) method, (3) result of the journals in the following format:

hypothesis/research question: one or two sentences
method: by order in point form (be specific and clear, including every important methods used but taking out unnecesary or repeating explanations).
result: by order in point form (e.g., what did the authors find? what were the results? were there differences between groups? or differences between measures used?

– feel free to use direct quotations as much as you would like “if it can help to make things clearer”
– do not need to divide summaries with a space

A good sample summary would look like this:

hypothesis: as stereotype susceptibility is found to emerge during middle school, the activation of gender identity would inhibit quantitative performance while the activation of ethnic identity would facilitate quantitative performance in Asian-American girls.

Subjects: 81 Asian-American girls from Boston area (including Chinese, Korean and Japanese)
– each children were randomly assigned to one of the three groups: gender identity activation; ethnic identity activation; control group
– Each completed 2 age-appropriate manipulation tasks
a) Kindergarten – grade 2: colored three randomly selected pictures
* Ethnic-identity condition = Asian children eating rice with chopsticks
* Gender-identity condition = picture of a girl holding a doll
* Control = color a landscape scene
b) Grade 3-8 filled one of three randomly selected questionnaires
* Ethnic-identity condition = questions related to ethnicity
* Female-identity condition = questions related to gender
* Control condition = neutral questions
– all groups given a math test appropriate to their grades
– all groups given 2 implicit stereotype-awareness tasks (gender stereotype-awareness task = told a story about a student who is good at math and made participants repeat the story to note whether they use the pronouns he or she; ethnic stereotype-awareness task = told one of the student in the picture is good at math and asked participants to point out who the student would be – Caucasian or Asian)
– all groups given explicit stereotype-awareness task (asked “are boys or girls better at math or are they the same?”)
– all three age groups showed implicit stereotype awareness in ethnic stereotypes
– only youngest and oldest age groups showed implicit stereotype awareness in gender stereotypes; girls in grade 3-5 tended to identify the student as a girl than a boy
– all age groups tended to show no explicit stereotype awareness

Sample Solution

endorsed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which mutually consulted the most Favored Nation status in bilateral trade relations. Both Governments also decided to encourage the participation of the private sector. The Turkish Prime Minister announced that antidumping duty imposed on Pakistan cotton yarn by Turkey would be withdrawn from December 10, 1992. The two sides also reached at the following decisions and agreements: They agreed to hold the ninth session of Pakistan-Turkish Joint Ministerial Commission in February 1993. Having studied in detail commercial and economic cooperation with special reference to trade relations, they recognized that that they did not reflect the cordiality of their bilateral relations. Many hurdles still remained which needed to be removed (Hasan, 2002).
Both of these countries also agreed to advice the Business Council to intensify their activities. They were also agreed that there would be periodic exchange of visits between businessmen of two countries. The Turkish counterparts explained difficulties faced by the Turkish exporters due to custom duty rates applied in Pakistan on Turkish goods. The Turkish Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel appreciated the comprehensive economic liberalization program which was launched by Mr. Nawaz Shrif (Hassan, 2002).
Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel agreed that ‘The traditional Turkish-Pakistan brotherhood is indeed our greatest asset that is deeply rooted in the minds and hearts of our two people. What is left to our Governments side is the duty to enhance the relations between our countries taking stock of this solid foundation’ (Dawn 26 October, 1992).
In February1993, Pakistan and Turkey decided to growth their volume of trade from $100 million to $200 million (for the year 1993). A protocol signed by the two countries at conclusion of t

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