Idea of “Song of Myself.”



In your own words, summarize the main idea of “Song of Myself.” Using three supporting details from the poem, explain how Whitman expresses his views regarding the continuous cycle of life and death.

Sample Solution

Idea of “Song of Myself”

“Song of Myself,” the longest poem in Leaves of Grass, is a joyous celebration of the human self in its most expanded, spontaneous, self-sufficient, and all-embracing states as it observes and interacts with everything in creation and ranges freely over time and space. In “Song of Myself,” Walt Whitman celebrates the self. The speaker of the poem speaks not just for himself but for all mankind, praising the joy and wonder of experiencing nature. In this 52-part poem, Whitman celebrates the human body and its ability to become one with the self and with nature. The idea that dead people keep the grass growing proves Whitman`s theory that the cycle of life and death are continuously working within nature. He explains in his review that just as nature is not always beautiful, people are the same way.

in primary schools, based on the findings of Place2Be, children’s social and emotional wellbeing had improved as perceived by their family members and teachers following interventions (White Et al., 2009). Supporting this Fox and Butler (2007) carried out a small-scale study on 219 pupils, attempting to discover whether counselling is successful in schools. The results suggested that the treatment delivered to the children, had less distress and fewer problems were observed. However, they recommended further research is required, to discover when and to who it was more of a success to.

The evidence suggests that pupils receiving psychological therapies were a success however, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2010) expressed the opinion and recommended several forms of therapy as first-line interventions, not talk therapy or counselling in isolation. Another essential point regarding one:one counselling and emotional literacy is the relationship a child has with the facilitator. Mindmatters (n.d.) advocates how vital it is for children to have a trusting and caring relationship with the individual, as a result of this trust and understanding, will promote open communication.

Similarly, Bowlby (1969) suggested that children come into this world with an innate response of survival; form attachments to survive. Consequently, if secure attachments are not formed this would lead to distress and negative experiences concluding that a trusting relationship is not formed between the pupil and the facilitator. Belsky and Fearon (2002) support Bowlby and state ‘poor attachment outcomes are associated with long-term adverse consequences in cognitive, adaptive, and behavioral domains’.

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