Identifying clients’ needs


Identifying clients’ needs is necessary to determine appropriate treatment programs and interventions. In this assignment, you will review a completed needs assessment and identify the immediate needs of the client, as well as propose treatment options.

Imagine you are a human service professional working in an institutional corrections facility. You have completed a needs assessment on an individual who is entering the facility and must write your report of the results, as well as recommend a course of treatment.

Review the Sample Needs Assessment.

Write a 525- to 700-word report that includes the following:

Summarize the needs of the client, based on the information and severity codes in the Sample Needs Assessment.
Identify the top needs requiring immediate intervention, and explain why these are high priority needs.
Recommend potential treatment programs for this client’s treatment plan, based on the identified needs.
Explain why these programs are a necessary part of the client’s treatment plan.


Sample Solution



Consider top to bottom an assistance that intends to meet a portion of the prosperity needs of undocumented vagrants (counting dealt individuals), haven searchers, outcasts or inside dislodged people and which might be seen for instance of good practice in the field.

Opportunity from Torture (FFT) is a UK based philanthropy that gives fundamental administrations and help to outcasts and shelter searchers who have experienced torment. In this exposition, I will portray the administrations conveyed by FFT that mean to meet the prosperity needs of undocumented transients who have encountered torment, including the provokes looked by the philanthropy to give and support these administrations and feature the ways FFT can possibly improve those administrations to effectively address the issues of overcomers of torment. I have assessed the administrations given by FFT using a diagnostic system on great work on, concentrating explicitly on access and privilege, all encompassing help and culture and reflexivity.

In 2017, it was assessed that 25.4 million exiles were enlisted over the world (UNHCR 2019), many escaping their nation due to a ‘well-established dread’ of abuse. Before the finish of 2017, there were 121,837 exiles, 40,365 pending shelter cases and 97 stateless people in the UK (UNHCR 2019). Frequently, many have fled their nation because of mistreatment, war or savagery and voyaged several miles at tremendous money related and enthusiastic cost. Numerous outcasts have encountered torment and sorted out savagery in their very own nation, directed for their political convictions and exercises or identifying with parts of their character for example sexual direction. Torment survivors can likewise incorporate youngsters who may have seen brutality and misuse executed towards their relatives. At the point when torment survivors land in the UK, they are frequently in incredible requirement for medicinal services, legitimate help and lodging yet many stay untreated and unsupported. For instance, the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims gauges that just 4% of the 400,000 distinguished torment survivors in the UK have gotten mental or therapeutic treatment (Asociación and Refugiat 2016). Haven searchers and evacuees are “multiple times bound to have psychological well-being needs than the all inclusive community and over 61% will endure genuine mental trouble” (Equality and Human Rights Commission 2017).

The Freedom from Torture (FFT) philanthropy was set up in 1985 and is the main association in the UK to give a comprehensive assistance supporting the wide-running and complex needs of torment survivors. In 2017, FFT helped 838 individuals from 96 unique nations and gave more than 20,000 mental treatment sessions. Of those, almost a quarter were kids and youngsters younger than 25 years. The philanthropy has five FFT focuses in the UK, has an extending volunteer workforce and gives preparing and mastery to accomplice associations. They crusade to bring issues to light and shape government arrangement and do research to build up their administrations.

FFT gives a few administrations to torment survivors. These range from restoration administrations to address physical and mental injury, mental treatments, bolster gatherings and commonsense legitimate help and exhortation to help torment survivors guarantee outcast status. Pro physiotherapy and back rub treatment is accessible to help those with physical wounds, for example, scars, consumes and inadequately recuperated cracks. This can likewise help those experiencing interminable agony. Mental treatments are additionally accessible to help torment survivors to adapt to their horrendous and nerve racking encounters. These incorporate balanced psychotherapy, eye development desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and music treatment. Mental treatments can likewise help individuals to deal with their incessant agony. Notwithstanding physiological and mental treatment, FFT encourage inventiveness and social gatherings for example craftsmanship and game sessions. The Natural Growth Project for instance, utilizes planting as a restorative strategy and encourages individuals to socially associate with others in their new network in the UK.

FFT likewise gives functional guidance to torment survivors who are attempting to guarantee refuge. FFT help shelter searchers by giving medicolegal reports and helping them to explore the various records and different degrees of organization engaged with looking for haven and in setting up their new lives. The UK frameworks and procedures can be very hard to explore and can feel unfriendly and distressing for the individuals who have endure torment. FFT gives translators to help torment survivors to discuss successfully with medicinal services experts and authorities they experience in the refuge procedure.

FFT plans to give great practice to its customers. They characterize ‘Great practice’ as:

“There is a general accord that “great practices” establish an activity or arrangement of activities that, subsequent from the distinguishing proof of requirements, are orderly, viable, productive, supportable, and adaptable; along these lines they are arranged and executed by all individuals from an association and its recipients with the assistance of the administration board.” (Asociación and Refugiat 2016)

Notwithstanding, ‘great practice’ is an exceptionally vague and challenged term, particularly when managing helpless casualties of torment. In this paper, I have utilized Charles Watters’ focuses on great practice (Watters 2011; Watters and Ingleby 2002) which gives a logical structure from which to comprehend whether the administrations that are given by FFT are used viably to meet the prosperity needs of torment survivors. I have concentrated explicitly on access and qualification, all encompassing assistance and culture and reflexivity. It is additionally imperative to outline great practice in Macro, Meso and Micro levels, to comprehend the laws and political setting and ground level issues that I will develop.

Access and privilege issues are ubiquitous in torment survivors’ lives. Qualification is the thing that the outcasts have a privilege as well, and access is the manner by which displaced people arrive at the administration or how the administration contacts them. They are social, every one influencing the other, along these lines I will allude to them related. There are numerous administrations that torment survivors are offered at FFT, in spite of the fact that privilege issues may keep huge numbers of them from getting to these administrations. Absence of sufficient monetary assets can be a boundary to getting to FFT administrations. Displaced people and Asylum searchers on government benefits just get £36.95 every week (Lyons 2017), an amazingly low sum for somebody to live off in the UK, and this is exacerbated by punishments forced (for example advantages are diminished) in the event that they are late to profit arrangements. In a FFT study, 17 out of 28 of their customers said they needed more cash to try and call Freedom from Torture, and 14 said they couldn’t bear to fax reports to specialists (Pettitt 2013). In a review by FFT, 67 individuals detailed being beneath the destitution line. Absence of assets can keep customers from venturing out to meetings with FFT clinicians and other medicinal services experts. FFT’s five fundamental focuses give access to their administrations however those living in different pieces of the UK will most likely be unable to bear the cost of the movement to arrive at the assistance at the inside.

Presently, Asylum searchers should at first should give a forthright installment to a specialist administration at FFT, in spite of the fact that the sum isn’t set and relies upon the case. Individuals can case back the charges through lawful guide, yet this requires some serious energy and makes an uncalled for various leveled framework where most torment survivors who have fled their nation of origin have landed with nothing and can’t manage the cost of this administration. Access to this administration relies upon the accounts accessible to survivors. Practically all different administrations are allowed to torment survivors, FFT are not ready to give this administrations to free. So as to improve access to their administrations, FFT must develop and adjust in their methodologies and administrations by extending their qualifications to refuge searchers when concerning free specialist work for medico-legitimate reports.

Transitory lodging is likewise a boundary to getting to FFT administrations. Albeit social lodging might be given, this of little solace to most torment survivors as it is regularly transitory, and they can be moved at short notice. FFT have attempted to improve access to their administrations by setting up the Partnership Project in the West Midlands (Asociación and Refugiat 2016) in light of the fact that it is a region where evacuees and shelter searchers experience issues getting to their administrations []. The undertaking gave guiding represent considerable authority in mental injury to torment survivors and was profoundly fruitful, with 85% of the individuals who got advising announcing improved psychological well-being results. Nonetheless, regardless of FFT needing to proceed with work with these customers, they were kept from doing so in light of the fact that customers were in impermanent lodging and were migrated to another piece of the UK which upset customers’ treatment.

Different access issues forestall torment survivors from getting to the administration, the procedure of referral requires either the outcast self-alluding or a colleague, for example, a GP rounding out an online structure. The same number of individuals are in transitory lodging, in networks where transport access is poor, this implies numerous individuals are probably not going to have an encouraging group of people. Their associates will in general be other haven searchers or exiles who can’t give assistance. This joined with the decrease of English classes making a site or an ad of the philanthropy hard to understand makes a large number of limits which are difficult to survive. I have so far featured access and qualification obstructions which are both inside and outer to the philanthropy keeping them from gathering the necessities of a more extensive group of spectators.

Trust is a boundary to numerous Asylum searchers getting to administrations. They don’t approach organizations for assistance since they regularly dread being wrongly ousted an inclination that must immerse an individual’s ordinary presence particularly on the off chance that they have experienced torment, they might be distrustf



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