Identifying heavy metal content in mangrove soils






1. Isolation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria:
• Please refer to the attached papers for the extraction process
• Refer to this paper (The art of isolating nitrogen-fixing bacteria from non-leguminous plants using nitrogen-free semi-solid media: a practical guide for microbiologists), look into the mind map of isolating nitrifiers from the soil, and write in details the extraction process. Please be detailed when writing the steps.
• Refer to this paper (Two new nitrogen-fixing bacteria from the rhizosphere of mangrove trees: their isolation, identification, and in vitro interaction with rhizosphere staphylococcus sp.) for the isolation of nitrifiers from root sediments
• The attached tables and articles will help in developing the methodology

2. Identifying heavy metal content in mangrove soils:
• Mention that the samples will be taken from two different mangrove locations (Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary) and (mangrove hotel) in order to compare between heavy metal content in both mangrove locations.
• Include extra sources that will help in the methodology process
3. Physiochemical parameters: please include it in the methodology.





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kes and the discipline for crime, and criminal conduct, and the impact furthermore change for laws. Criminology got should make uniquely common in the 19th century concerning illustration an constituent about sickle forward movement the place by and large the public eye endeavoured on distinguish the character for offences, develop that’s only the tip of the iceberg gainful frameworks about criminal treatment and disheartening. In this perspective, couple arranged schools for possibility in criminology in the end emerged, including those two of the most prominent conspicuous schools about thought today, the positivist class that spotlights on the performing actor, and the established class that spotlights on the offence. The Classical School of Criminology is started on the hypothesis that individuals have free in making decisions, and that discipline is capable of deterring crime. The Classical school asserts that regardless of those reality that people are delight looking. Also, despite those certainty individuals all around catch up on their narrow-mindedness, they need aid also prepared to judging more utilising the that’s only the tip of the iceberg best possible approach done a provided for situation. Similarly as such, people would viewed as toward the Classical school similarly as moral creatures with insufficient adaptability will decide amongst correct Furthermore not right. Furthermore, those established class puts stock that when individuals do a criminal act, it may be acknowledged on need been done of their own unrestrained choice. Likewise, this school of thought believe that individuals should be considered or decreed responsible for their wrongful acts. However, the Classical School affirms that a balanced government should uphold disciplines and laws that permit individuals to legitimately judge the moves they can make in given circumstance. The core principle of classical jurisprudence as outlined by Beccaria can be summarised, the law should be restricted the individual as little as possible. The law should guarantee the rights of the accused at all stages of the criminal justice process. Punishment is only justified to an extent that the offender had infringed the right of others or injured the public good. As Beccaria (1761- 1963); put it, ‘it is better to prevent crimes rather than to punish them’. Much of Beccaria’s approach to the prevention of crime is often distilled down to three ideas and they are certainty, celerity and severity. Hobbs and Beccaria has the view that human beings are ‘hedonistic’ in nature. They are driven by pleasure and satisfaction and they try to avoid pain and discomfort.

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