Network forensics is considered a very hard problem for a number of reasons:
First, the general anonymity of users on the Internet makes is extremely difficult to determine who a suspect is. (Do we ever really know who is sitting a keyboard or public facing IP address? What about VPNs, TOR exit nodes, etc.?)
Second, the fact that international borders make it difficult to determine jurisdiction on the Internet, it is sometimes impossible to backtrack all the way from a victim to a perpetrator.
Third, logs are not kept forever, so if efforts are not made relatively quickly, they may be erased.
What can we do in forensics to speed up the process of collecting data? Hypothesize a solution knowing what you know about network data collection. (Try to keep the focus on forensics rather than general network security.
2. NTFS vs. FAT in forensics
In NTFS, file metadata is stored in the Master File Table ($MFT) as opposed to the File Allocation Table in FAT systems. (Here we are talking about FAT32, which is still used on USB flash drives and in digital cameras. We’re not talking FAT12 and FAT16, which were used on floppy disks.)
There is much more rich data available in the $MFT, but what is the one thing provided by the MFT and not the FAT that makes it difficult to find small files?
Are there other noteworthy challenges?
Each file on an NTFS volume is represented by a record in a special file called the Master File Table (MFT). NTFS reserves the first 16 records of the table for special information. Master File Table can be considered one of the most important files in the NTFS file system. It keeps records of all files in a volume, the files` location in the directory, the physical location of the files in on the drive, and file metadata. MFT record for a small file or directory. This design makes file access very fast. Small directory records reside entirely within the MFT structure.
the individuals who don’t commit their opportunity to shielding creatures, caring alone isn’t adequate when we think about the bull’s destiny. Eventually the bull will pass on a ridiculous and delayed demise, in a boisterous bullring with individuals cheering, booing, applauding and a bullfighter puncturing cutting edges into its back. For the majority, the occasions of the bullfight offset the consideration the bull might get ahead of time. An inquiry that one could present is, might a human want to imagine the bull’s perspective? On the off chance that the consideration it gets can be utilized as a support and guard of compassionate treatment, why should an individual be reluctant to go through a similar destiny?
Once more – utilizing the case of people – really focusing on a youthful human as it grows up to guarantee it carries on with the most ideal life is normal. It isn’t finished with a ulterior intention that prompts an organized killing saw by hundreds or thousands of individuals. Basic entitlements activists accept the equivalent ought to be applied to creatures and for this situation bulls. This is a comparative contention utilized by Peter Singer in what he characterizes as equivalent thought of interests. This is the idea that affliction and agony shouldn’t rely upon “the species that encounters it”. All things considered, indistinguishable interests ought to be given equivalent weight, paying little heed to species. Utilizing this thinking, bullfighting couldn’t be considered moral or on the grounds that the bull experiences in a manner that wouldn’t be acknowledged whether it were a person.
During the 1970s Richard D Ryder authored the term speciesism, characterized in the OED as, “the supposition of human prevalence driving over the abuse of creatures”. Peter Singer likewise involved this term in his 1975 book, Animal Liberation, anticipating that later on people will glance back at their treatment of non-human creatures similarly that we today view the despicable and treacherous treatment of Africans utilized as slaves. Involving this contention for bullfighting in Spain, someone could contend that this will likewise be the situation with bullfighting. Later on, Spaniards could glance back, at a once conventional blood sport, with sensations of disgrace and responsibility.