David Kennedy, professor at the John Jay School of Criminal Justice in New York, wrote: “In most cities there is a population of very high-rate, low-level repeat offenders. There’s a heavy overlap between these folks, and drug and alcohol problems, [and] mental illness. If what we were doing was working, they would not be high-rate repeat offenders” (Pendley, 2015).
Take a position. Do you agree or disagree that current law enforcement efforts to arrest drug offenders is not working?
First, title your initial post either “Law enforcement SHOULD place an emphasis on arresting drug offenders” or “Law enforcement SHOULD NOT place an emphasis on arresting drug offenders.”
Then, make your case. What do you see as the role of law enforcement in the declared “war on drugs”? Should law enforcement prioritize arresting offenders, or should they seek alternative treatment options? What are the consequences or benefits of alternative treatment to the offender? The victim? Other stakeholders? Is it always appropriate to arrest an offender? Why or why not?
To conduct a thorough literature review, you can utilize academic databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, PubMed, and ERIC. Here’s a general approach to finding and summarizing relevant articles:
1. Develop Search Terms:
2. Refine Your Search:
3. Evaluate the Quality of Articles:
4. Write the Summaries
Once you’ve identified relevant articles, you can write a one-page summary for each, following this structure:
Example Summary:
Article Title: The Social Development of Home-Educated Children: A Systematic Review
Introduction: This article provides a comprehensive review of the literature on the social development of home-educated children. The authors conducted a systematic search of academic databases to identify relevant studies.
Main Findings:
Future Research Recommendations:
Remember to adapt this template to fit the specific findings and conclusions of each article you review.
Additional Tips:
By following these steps and using the provided template, you can effectively conduct a literature review and write concise and informative summaries of the articles you find.