Income support policies.


Compare and contrast the selected income support policies. (Social Security and Supplemental Security Income)

Address the following:

List and describe each income support policy’s target population, means of funding, and intended outcomes.
Explain the positions a conservative politician or commentator, and a liberal politician would take on the policy. Address anything they might have in common ideologically and also describe their differences.
Give reasons and examples in support of your analysis.




Sample Solution

Income support policies

There is often confusion about Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) because you apply for both programs with the Social Security Administration. But, the programs are different. The Social Security benefit programs are “entitlement” programs. This means workers, employers and the self-employed pay for the benefits with their Social Security taxes. The taxes that are collected are put into special trust funds. You qualify for these benefits based on your work history. SSI is a need-based program for people with limited income and resources. The program is paid for by general tax revenues, not from the Social Security trust funds. The benefit amount is based on Federal and State laws which take into account where you live, who lives with you and what income you receive.




Envision Communities: Perfect Communities to Live in

Streets are “flawlessness”, individuals have respectable ethics and qualities, youngsters have experienced similar training, the houses are totally orchestrated along the street, and the engineering is actually the equivalent. The entire network has a delightful nursery. Wrongdoing It appears to be a network you need to leave. The Colby people group is a wonderful network as it is loaded up with satisfaction, structure and great good imperatives. In any case, how would you become an individual from this network?

Jonas lives in a network that is considered “great”. At the end of the day, there is no war, torment, distress, outrage. So as to accomplish this “flawlessness” his locale is viewed as destructive and “overlooks” the memory of the things that put a weight on each history on his shoulder, “collector” that was carrying on with an ideal life There was. By recording all recollections of the network, the beneficiary permits individuals to carry on with a quiet life. Be that as it may, thusly, the network additionally loses all the capacity to encounter genuine feelings, including positive sentiments. It has additionally lost its capacity to develop, change and better. Individuals have lost their rich lives for quite a while, and individuals have lost the capacity to see hues and tune in to music. Basically, individuals lose all the opportunity of character and genuine satisfaction, however they don’t feel it.

Envision a network of 2,500 km from Brisbane and 3,600 km from Canberra. We should envision this network thinking in a totally unexpected manner in comparison to we are acquainted with and brimming with living individuals. In this network of ages back we should envision that the youngsters were detracted from their families. They are said to never talk their primary language, they should do what they state. For this situation, they are rebuffed by savagery as a result of their disappointment. This people group exists in numerous networks, this is their chronicled story



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