Investigate the degree to which human resources are related to the other factors (project management, product design, process strategy, location decisions, layout decisions, etc.). In a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, address the following:
Identify inefficiencies in the way that human resources are utilized in a business at which you have worked in the past or with which you are familiar.
Describe ways in which the inefficiencies that you have identified could be reduced or eliminated.
Define what changes would be required to job designs in order to implement your suggested strategies for eliminating the inefficiencies.
Identify how the way people are measured might need to be adjusted as a result of your suggestions.
Explain whether additional compensation might need to be offered as a result of your plan to change job designs and work measurements. Support your rationale with examples.
Inefficiencies in Managing Human Resources
The sad paradox of HR departments – it commands the most influence on a company`s success, while being highly underrated. HR is like a complex mechanical device where many cog works in harmony. Even if one cog fails, the entire device ceases to function. In other words, either the HR department functions with absolute efficiency, or it doesn’t. There are no middle grounds. Inefficiencies in the way human resources are utilized in a business include poor human resource management, ineffective recruitment, turnover, noncompliance, and the lack of having personnel in the human resource department to handle the business.
s, a conservative news media, presented a much more optimistic take of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout by the Trump administration in an article published on September 16, 2020. The article claimed that the vaccinations would gradually start among some segments of the population such as the healthcare workers and other essential workers and the vulnerable, and eventually the distribution would be ramped up to all those who want it.
The first thing that jumps out to me as a reader is that both articles are in support of the efforts that have been put forward by the government to vaccinate Americans against Coronavirus. This is not a surprise to me as the COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone, regardless of their political views. There has been a huge effort to eradicate the virus and both the republican and democratic administrations have shown great interest in the health and wellbeing of Americans.
The above articles were both written at around the same time, during the Trump era, and they seem to agree upon one thing, that speed is essential in getting the vaccine to the masses, and that the most vulnerable in the population be vaccinated first. The other issue that both articles seem to agree upon is that the vaccine be made free for all Americans. The difference, however, is in the style of reporting. Again, we see the left leaning media source painting a critical picture of the vaccine rollout efforts, pointing out the confusion and inefficiency of the efforts of the Republican administration in vaccinating Americans. Fox News on the other hand, presents a much more positive perspective of the vaccination efforts, stating that Americans would receive the vaccine as soon as possible.
Keywords: underlying health conditions, nonprofit advocacy group, vaccination programs,
An article titled “An Anti-Bureaucracy Vaccine, Please” published on January 12, 2021 by the conservative media WSJ, it was revealed that one of the reasons why the vaccine rollout was slow is because there had been vaccine doses being held back for because of bureaucratic and political reasons. New York is reported to be one of the worst as they created a complex formula for ranking health-care workers based on underlying health conditions, age, occupation, and hospital department, among other things. Ther