Inequality, Opportunity, and Social Mobility


Describe inequality in your own words.

Explain the impact of inequality on people’s lives.

Explain whether equality of opportunity within society is a reality. Explain why or why not.

Explain whether policies can be designed to ensure greater equality and improve social mobility among members of society. Explain why or why not.

Explain whether inequality is a contributing factor to your chosen social issue from Week 1.


Sample Solution

Inequality, Opportunity, and Social Mobility

Inequality is the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. Inequality is rampant, we hardly need telling. Inequality causes a wide range of health and social problems, from reduced life expectancy and higher infant mortality to poor education attainment, lower social mobility and increased levels of violence and mental illness. Inequality affects our intimate, personal lives; it psychologically divides us from the status, support and solidarity that keep us well. Inequality is a major roadblock to creating sustainable economies that serve to optimize the health and well-being of both people and the planet.

opportunities not relating or limited to distance education, use of Internet and technologies for education, transformation into a two-way education system and much more. With introduction of distance education and IT to education, it has not only helped students learn more but it has also helped them learn more than what they actually need and what is actually helpful to them in near future.

Major Point 1: Adapting to 21st Century Technology.

The advancement and easy availability of technology have left the previous ways of education and learning obsolete and orthodox. The rise of technology has rather made the previous education system primitive. According to Tony Wagner, it is now time to overthrow the obsolete teaching and preach the gospel of 21st-century learning. It is time for the teachers to train students in 21st-century skills and ideas and make them ready to thrive in the fast-changing world. The target of 21st century learning is to fabricate limit in zones that advance a flexible society able to adequately adjust to fast change. It speaks to a move in emphasis from the guidance of certainties to a model which centers around abilities, for example, basic reasoning, character, innovativeness, advancement, just as computerized and PC education.

Some visible changes and reforms in the Education System are termed as below:

• New learning technologies

Adapting to new changes, include bringing in new technology and being grateful to the inventors, we have immense new ways to share and gain knowledge and information.

The innovation and practicality of certain gadgets and gizmos introduced in the classrooms has completely changed the way students and teachers learn. Some of them are mentioned below:

1. Flash Notes: Flash notes allows students to shares notes, it is also the online marketplace where students can buy and sell their notes so it is useful to other students.

2. Lesson Cast: This technology is invented specifically for the teachers. It provides help and support with the lesson plans and the course outlines by submitting a 2-minute strategy or an idea using video, ppt or documents, etc. and share it with other instructors.

3. Glogster EDU: This allows students to display their research creatively. It is a platform which allows students to collage pictures, text, video and custom graphics to create an eye-pleasing presentation. And they are easy to make and share too.

4. Knewton: This technology aims at customizing content for ideal learning. It monitors student’s activity and uses that particular information to give them the rightful resources based on their level of compatibility. This software grows more deeper, the more the student uses it. It can follow a student through their entire career.

5. Live Binders: Using the idea of pinning and bookmarking, these ring binders allows teachers and instructors to collect and organise resources for their study plans. It also helps students who are collecting huge amount of resources for a big project as they are easy to browse and share.

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