Respond to a fellow learner who either identified a cognitive factor that you missed, or whose answers to either of the other two questions differed from your own.
● In the first case, discuss your response: Is that cognitive factor actually at play? If so, why do you think you missed it? If not, support your explanation with examples from the text or the movie itself.
● In the second case, discuss the differences: What might be influencing the difference in perception? Support your answer as above.
An individual’s social environment can have a severe impact on their behaviors. An individual’s social environment can have a severe impact on one’s inherited make-up which predisposes the individual’s behavior in a particular way. Another way the social environment can influence one’s behavior is through biological factors. In the movie Joe the King, each family member has different cognitive issues. Human social behavior develops under the influence of genetic, environmental, and cultural factors (Skuse & Gallagher, 2011). Furthermore, Social cognition comprises our ability to understand and respond appropriately to other people’s social approaches or responses. According to Albarracín & Wyer, 2000 cognitive factors can affect an individual’s performance either positively or negatively.
Both of Joe’s parents, Bob, and Theresa, displayed cognitive issues such as attention, memory, and reasoning. Joe’s father has an alcohol addiction. It was not disclosed what led to Joe’s father’s alcoholism. Due to social factors and stressors, Joe’s father drinks excessively. Joe’s mother, Theresa, isolates herself from her family, which could be from the verbal abuse from her husband. Because of this, Joe and Mike have a distant relationship with their mother. Mike, the eldest of the children, struggles to create relationships with peers. At this stage, Mike is unsure how to develop appropriate relationships with peers. Mike has never seen a functional relationship with his parents, which is why he is unable to develop relationships. Lastly, the younger child, Joe, has experienced neglect emotional, mental, and physical abuse throughout his life. Because of this abuse, Joe developed anxiety, depression, and other inappropriate behaviors. Joe shows signs of cognitive issues while at school with memory and attention. This caused Joe to pull away from developing appropriate relationships with others and isolate himself from building a healthy relationship.
Some characteristics of the perceiver can affect perception. When a person looks at a goal and tries to interpret what he or she is, that interpretation is greatly influenced by the personal characteristics of the individual perceiver. The main characteristics of the perceiver that influences perception are: Attitude: The perceiver’s attitude affects perception. Suppose Mr. X is interviewing a candidate for a very important position in his organization. This position requires contract negotiations with a supplier that is mostly male. Mr. X may feel that women are unable to commit themselves to tough negotiations. This attitude will undoubtedly influence his perception of the female candidate he is interviewing.
scorn for the entrepreneur society of which he was encircled in is seen plainly in his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts written in 1844. These emphasis on the issue of distanced work of which overwhelms the early industrialist society he lives in. For Marx, the connection among distance and private enterprise is inborn because of the ‘double-dealing and shamefulness’ inside the benefit fuelled construction of free enterprise (Pappenheim, 1967: 81). It is essential to take note of that the two specialists and business people are distanced inside an industrialist framework however for this article, the spotlight will exclusively be on estranged work. Marx parts this estrangement into ‘four moderate deteriorating faculties’ (Dale, 2016: 91) which this paper will diagram prior to surveying the degree that this idea is completely connected to free enterprise or regardless of whether it is available in all of human existence. It will then, at that point, contend that the connection among estrangement and private enterprise can be subverted by Marx’s problematic evaluation of distance and asses the level that his contentions can be esteemed today.
Prior to assessing the connections among free enterprise and estrangement, one should see the value in that the premise of Marx’s speculations are on the Industrial Revolution more than a century prior. In this manner, Marx can work on the industrialist design of society into the bourgeoisie – who own the method for creation and capital delivered – and the low class – who are the work constrained and can be named as the work here. For Marx, work should be a ‘utilization esteem’, in that it ought to be delivered to fulfill man’s necessities (McLellan, 1978). This is clear in his composition: ‘From each as indicated by his capacity. To each as per his requirements.’ (Marx refered to in Conly, 1978: 90) which can be streamlined into one should make as much as possible and should create. All things being equal, in an entrepreneur society, work turns into a ware claimed and constrained by bourgeoisie in this manner eliminating the human instinct present in natural creation and making the ‘generalization of work’ (Marx, 1844 refered to in McLellan, 1978: 78). This idea of how the worker is isolated from the result of work is the principal type of estrangement that will be talked about. As the specialist put exertion and abilities into his items as ‘is essential and general part of human existence’ (Ritzer, 2000: 60), he becomes estranged from his capital as he has no control or responsibility for. Ins