1. In a narrative format, discuss Papa John’s from a strategic perspective. Information concerning recent changes in the firm is readily available online and should be accessed. Strategic issues should be discussed in “real time.”
2. How would you describe Papa John’s competitive strategy along the lines of the Porter and the Miles and Snow typologies? Support your response.
3. Do Papa John’s marketing and production (service) strategies support its competitive strategy effectively? Provide examples to support your answer.
4. Suppose you are the CEO of Papa Johns, and McDonald’s just announced that it would begin to serve pizza in and deliver from all of its restaurants in the United States. Would you make any changes to your competitive strategy? What additional information would you like to have before you make your decision? Explain.
tic stun is a subset of sepsis(4th on the continuum), wherein fundamental circulatory and cell/metabolic anomalies are sufficiently significant to generously build mortality. It is a sort of vasodilatory or distributive stun that is serious sepsis with cardiovascular dysfunction(primary loss of vascular tone). Patients with septic stun can be related to a clinical develop of sepsis with continuing hypotension expecting vasopressors to keep up MAP >65mmHg and having a serum lactate level >2mmol/L(18mg/dL) regardless of satisfactory volume revival.
MODS(Multiple organ brokenness disorder) alludes to a dynamic organ brokenness in an intensely sick patient, wherein homeostasis can’t be kept up without mediations. It is at the extreme finish of the sepsis range since it includes both infectious(sepsis, septic stun) and noninfectious conditions(SIRS). MODS can be broken further into essential or auxiliary. Essential MODS is when organ brokenness happens early and can be inferable from itself. Optional MODS is organ disappointment that isn’t in direct reaction to itself, yet is a result of the host’s reaction.
(Baird, 2016 p1009; Neviere, 2017)
Hazard factors
• Family or individual hx of tobacco misuse, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, corpulence, stress, stationary living, cardiovascular infection, renal deficiency, coagulating disarranges, foot ulcers, or noncomplicance with restorative administration Pt has history of smoking, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, weight, cardiovascular sickness, renal inadequacy, and foot ulcer!
• Age <50 years, w/diabetes and one different atherosclerosis hazard factor (smoking, dyslipidemia, HTN, or hyperhomocysteeinemia)
• Age 50-69 years with hx of smoking or diabetes
• Age >70 Pt is 78 y/o
• Leg indications w/exertion(suggestive of claudication) or ischemic rest torment Pt states LLE claudication
• Abnormal lower furthest point beat assessment Absent pedal heartbeats