1) What is the difference between confidentiality and integrity in IT systems?
2) What is the difference between a black hat and gray hat hacker? Could the latter play any beneficial role?
3) Consider an automated teller machine using both a card and a PIN for access. Give examples of confidentiality, integrity, and availability
requirements associated with the system. How importance is each requirement?
4) What is the difference between obscurity and limiting for IT system security?
5) What are some of the key differences between worms and viruses? What are some of the intended uses for these malwares?
6) Hackers manage to gain unauthorized access to a system. Subsequently they find that they can also access several other systems from the compromised
system. What type of attack is this? How can it be prevented?
7) What is the difference between a patch and a service pack?
8) Consider the code fragment below. What type of malware is this? Explain.
…. legitimate valid code ….
if (username=“RND101” & date=“5/4/2021”)
…. legitimate valid code ….
9) Describe some similarities and differences between XSS injection and SQL injection attacks.
10) What are some ways an attacker can perform session hijacking?
11) Can hash functions be used to provide confidentiality? Integrity?
also provide some other services behind the services provided by CCA and SCAL. These services include the basic experiments and requirement to observe several parameters such as temperature, pressure, and type of gas.
Summary of the internship
I have implemented the internship in Weatherford Company, Is one of the international oilfield services company. The company has several sections and the section where I had training is the Weatherford laboratory and is considered one of the main sections in Weatherford. The Weatherford labs are located in Ghala Industrial Estate in Oman.
The company offers internship opportunities to students in different departments for example wireline, product line which include laboratories, and finances related to their major and skills.
During the 6 weeks of the internship program, several tasks were assigned to me according to my major and practical skills in all the 3 units of laboratory department. I spend one week and several days in each unit with multi tasks given whereby some are related to my studies and others are for the purpose of gaining new experience in other fields that are semi-related.
Besides that, I was trained not only in improving my soft skills, but, also dealing with several safety situations in the workplace and management technique when dealing with others.
During my training a couple of approaches were assigned to me such as calculating the porosity and permeability using different instruments for example DHP (Digital Helium Porosimeter) and DGP (Digital Gas Porosimeter) also VINCI which is used for unsteady-state processes, how inject mercury to samples and calculating the bulk volume of the sample using Archimedes law, CT scan which include several software’s for making videos of core sample to analyze the fractures and how it will affect the value of porosity and permeability, Formation Resistivity Factor ( capillary pressure) (appendix 2), permeability of fluids, flush cleaning using different solvents, and finally the dean stark which is about extraction of oil and water.
Consequently, the first week of training was about introduction to the company programs and services as well as the devices and process used in the laboratory.
Second week I started with the first task in CCA section which required the measurement of porosity by using DHP device (figure1). This task contain all the impotent measurements and calculation in porosity by using Boyle’s law (appendix, 1), also exporting the data in excel sheet to determine the capacity of core to hold fluids, and analyze the graphs with different behaviors (figure 1, appendix 2). Besides that, I also get a chance to use the VINCI device (figure 2) which is used for unsteady state process to get knowledge in how to determine several parameters in more accurate way such as porosity, permeability, pore volume, and bulk volume by sitting the pressure.