Information System and Technology management

A common viewpoint is that every organization, whether profit seeking or not, can benefit from at least a modest level of use of Information Systems. Think about an organization that you have been associated with in the past, or an organization in an industry or market of interest to you, or an activity in your work experience or personal life in which an Information System seems to play an influential role or have the potential to play such a role. Identify and briefly describe the case you have in mind. Now, in the context of the case you have been thinking about, comment on the following two situations in about 250 words each: — Would a greater level of power or sophistication in the related or embedded information system be of value? Cite some specific ways in which an improved IS could deliver benefits in improved performance of the organization. Is it clear that the benefits would outweigh the cost of acquiring and implementing the system? This is the realm of improvements in operational effectiveness via IS. — A different kind of business situation might also potentially show benefits from improvements in an organization’s information system or information technology. Think about your experience as an end user of an organization’s products or services. This may be a situation in which an information system is able to make possible a new product or service not previously offered in the marketplace, or a product or service that is a dramatic improvement over what had been available previously. This is the realm of new product innovation via IS.

Sample Answer

Information system has always been agreed by researchers and critics to be a set of interrelated components that work together to collect, process, store, and disseminate information to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization in an organization. It can also help managers, individual businesses and even workers to analyze problems and come up with amicable solution to address the problems of an organization. It can thus be argued that Information system is at the core of any organization in order to realize its potential. Critical to this essay will be to look at and discuss the impact that Information system has towards the performance of an organization among other pertinent issues related to with indulgence to organization’s performance.

This exposition clarifies the issues that Samsung experienced after the arrival of their freshest cell phone, the Galaxy Note 7, on nineteenth August 2016. The issues they experienced after their review and second discharge with respect to the batteries of their cell phone will be talked about and assessed more

1. Presentation

Samsung first discharged their Galaxy Note 7 cell phone on nineteenth August to solid deal requests and positive audits. By 31st August, under about fourteen days after the fact, reports from clients saying that their batteries were detonating started to surface. At that point, only two days after the fact, on second September, Samsung reviewed their gadget.

The 'detonating' handset was never discharged available to be purchased in the UK yet the organization are currently intending to relaunch the gadget in a few nations, including the UK, on 28th October as is commonly said they may be "certain" that the battery issues have been fathomed.


The issue of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 cell phone is that it can overheat and even detonate. Samsung has reviewed a huge number of its new Galaxy Note 7s because of these reports of it bursting into flames. The telephone was at a bargain for just two weeks before various proprietors of the telephone were announcing that their telephones had dissolved because of batteries that had burst into flames. Samsung said it "led an intensive examination and found a battery cell issue" and has stopped offers of the telephone totally. This review came at a urgent time for Samsung, with the arrival of the iPhone 7 only two weeks after the fact and Christmas quick drawing closer.

Cell phones use lithium-particle cells. Lithium-particle (Li-particle) batteries are an essential innovation during the time spent arriving at a perfect and reasonable vitality future . In any case, what makes these batteries perfect for fueling contraptions is likewise what makes them helpless against bursting into flames, says Donal Finegan, a compound designer at University College London. "They are so vitality thick and can work under such high force that they can combust in an especially cataclysmic manner." The overheating of any gadget or part is brought about by an ascent in temperature which can be because of the earth, or through head moved to the battery from another segment inside the telephone. Additionally, warming could start inside the battery itself, which is what was seen as the explanation for the battery cell issue in Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 cell phone. Telephones don't contain fans or any fluid cooling instrument that you may discover in games reassures and the same, because of their little versatile size. This implies the warmth produced must transmit into the environment, however on the off chance that this doesn't occur, heat is created quicker than it tends to be disseminated. At the point when a battery comes to about 100ºC its materials start to separate, making a procedure called 'warm rampant'. Warm out of control is where an expansion in temperature changes the conditions and triggers a synthetic chain response which causes a further increment in temperature.

Li-particle cells are comprised of loads of layers, every one of which comprises of a positive and a negative cathode that are isolated by a protector. At the point when it is charged, lithium particles stream from positive to negative and particles come back to the positive cathode as the battery channels. At the point when materials inside a phone move around, the electrically protecting layer isolating the anodes can tea

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