Information Systems


Search the literature for scholarly or peer reviewed articles and dissertations on your research topic or problem statement.


Sample Solution

Here’s a search strategy to find scholarly or peer-reviewed articles and dissertations on information blocking in healthcare:


  • PubMed Central (PMC): a free database of full-text peer-reviewed articles.
  • CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature): a database focused on nursing and allied health research.
  • ScienceDirect: a platform offering scholarly journals across various disciplines, including health sciences.
  • JSTOR: a digital library with a vast collection of academic journals and ebooks.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: a database of dissertations and theses from universities worldwide.

Search Terms:

  • Information Blocking
  • Interoperability in Healthcare
  • Electronic Health Information (EHI) Exchange
  • 21st Century Cures Act (and related keywords like “Cures Act” or “information blocking provisions”)
  • Barriers to Patient Data Access

Search Techniques:

  • Boolean Operators: Use AND, OR, and NOT to refine your search. For example: “information blocking” AND “nursing” will find articles that discuss information blocking specifically related to nursing.
  • MeSH Headings: Utilize Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) specific to each database to improve search accuracy. For example, in PubMed Central, search for MeSH terms like “Electronic Health Records” or “Health Information Exchange.”
  • Filters: Many databases allow filtering by publication date, study type (e.g., randomized controlled trials, qualitative studies), and free full-text availability.

Additional Tips:

  • Review the reference lists of relevant articles you find to discover additional scholarly sources.
  • Consider using Google Scholar to find a broader range of academic sources, including those not yet indexed in major databases. However, evaluate the credibility of sources found through Google Scholar more carefully.

Example Searches:

  • ( “information blocking” OR “interoperability in healthcare” ) AND “nursing”
  • “21st Century Cures Act” AND “information blocking”
  • “electronic health information exchange” AND “barriers”

By combining these search terms and techniques, you can effectively locate scholarly and peer-reviewed articles and dissertations on information blocking in healthcare, providing valuable insights for your research or further understanding of the topic.

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