Instances of notable languages


Using any song of your choice, do a line-by line annotation of the song, formulate a thesis of the song, and use it to develop the summary of the song.

N/B Annotations includes:

1. Two synthesis statements and questions about the song

2. Five instances of notable languages in the song

3. One paraphrase and 2 statements of epiphany

Sample Solution

The song chosen for this annotation is “Humble and Kind” by Tim McGraw. This song offers a reminder to always remain humble and kind no matter the individual’s age, success or station in life.

Synthesis statement 1: The central message of “Humble and Kind” is that it is more important to stay true to yourself than it is to be successful.
Synthesis statement 2: The song encourages individuals of all ages, stations in life, and levels of success to value kindness over status or material wealth.
Question 1: How does one maintain an attitude of humility even when faced with external pressures?
Question 2: What responsibility do parents have in teaching their children the importance of being humble?

Notable Language Instance 1: “Lose your will just to make somebody else happy/ Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars/ Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing/ It’s okay not to be afraid” – These lines illustrate how society can pressure us into sacrificing our own identity for the sake of someone else’s happiness or approval.
Notable Language Instance 2: “Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else/ To judge what’s right for you / You keep moving on” – This line serves as encouragement for listeners not to succumb to outside pressures but instead focus on doing what feels right for them. Notable Language Instance 3 : “Know that your kindness and love would be appreciated by so many around you… Hold onto hope if you got faith then you know… That thing we call fate, can get away from now on” – These lines offer reassurance that kindness towards others will ultimately bring about positive outcomes in life despite any current hardships experienced by an individual .

Notable Language Instance 4 : “Hold onto your memories they will hold onto you… A little bit wiser with every goodbye” – This line suggests that we grow wisdom through our experiences with people even when these may be difficult ones such as saying goodbye due a change in circumstances .

Notable Language Instance 5 : “This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight back home To You” – Here McGraw draws attention again on his faith , suggesting that although there may have been difficult moments along his journey home , he was ultimately lead back where he belonged .

Paraphrase : Be brave enough to stand up against external expectations so that one can stay true to themselves. Statements Of Epiphany 1 & 2 : Being loyal and generous towards others can pay dividends even when times get tough ; Difficulties encountered throughout our journeys help us become better versions of ourselves .

In conclusion , Tim Mcgraw ‘ s ” Humble And Kind ” reminds its listeners that staying true oneself despite external influences while being compassionate and generous towards others no matter their age , level success or station in life are invaluable attributes which should never be forgotten regardless of any difficulty faced along the way.

productive in getting their family. Their most significant favored outlook was that they understood how to make, they had staff who assisted them with gathering, and they had the sufficient resources for do accordingly. Spaniards and Europeans essentially gathered boats to investigate their way to deal with vanquish show up through the ocean. This was the quickest technique to get beginning with one region then onto the following, it is the means by which they sorted out some way to colonize people so quickly. Neighborhood Americans were ceaselessly by strolling, since they missed the mark on the learning and resources for gather boats or guns. Precious stone supports this case by expressing,”Piazarro come to Cajamarca through European man time innovation, which constructed the boats that took him across the Atlantic from Spain to Panama, and afterward in the pacific from Panama to Peru” (pg. 75-76). Spaniard were simply prepared to defeat show up because they had the help of European advancement and learning. They knew how to examine maps, bearings, letters, etc, and they discussed their plan of action. Mean while the Nearby Americans were absolutely uninformed with respect to what was coming immediately. Capability was a tremendous favored outlook for the Europeans and Spaniards while they expanded and overran the spot where there is Nearby Americans. Indians were at uncommon bother since they didn’t have the foggiest idea about a huge piece of the things the Europeans and Spaniards knew.

Europeans introduced a couple of perilous and overwhelming infections into the grounds they went after, it was diseases like measles and smallpox that butchered and corrupted a couple of Neighborhood Americans. These deadly and powerful illnesses executed a massive proportion of Nearby Americans, which lead to the productive triumph. The Europeans were introduced to these disorders and made insusceptibility to a gigantic degree of illnesses, so they were not exactly impacted by it. Jewel support this case by expressing,”Smallpox, measles, flu, typhus, bubonic plague, and other irresistible sicknesses endemic in Europe assumed an unequivocal part in European victory, by destroying many individuals in different mainlands.” ( Pg.75). The Nearby American social class had an especially little and accumulated people, so when an illness pandemic went after them it got them out completely. The infections spread over their district quickly and polluted various Neighborhood Americans, which simplified it to manage their family.

All things considered, development filled in as a military great situation to the Europeans and Spaniards considering weapons, microbes, and steel. Europeans and Spaniards had steel support and weapons, which made it practically hard to pound them. They had schooling advantage and created and made boats and weapons. Finally, they spread savage and overpowering ailments into the landscapes of others, which caused passing among others. The gave evidence from Jewel’s “Firearms, Microorganisms, and Steel” talk is sufficient considering the way that; it gave particular causes on how development was used as a military favored outlook to Europeans and Spaniards in win. Jewel’s reasoning is significant considering the way that near techniques and development that Europeans used to defeat were used during the time by a couple of others. Spaniard embraced development, weapons, and strategies that Europeans used to vanquish the Incas at Cajamarca. This lead to them successfully getting and killing a great deal of Neighborhood Americans. This piece discussed how Europeans used advancement further reinforcing their tactical benefit to expand and vanquish various territories and spaces.


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