Integrated Communications Strategy

You and your partner have just started a new laundry pick-up company. You are the marketing person, and you need to explain the importance of having an Integrated Communications Strategy (IMC) to your partner. Your partner has no idea how to go about marketing a company or how to create a communication plan. You decided to create a presentation that will explain why you all should invest in an IMC strategy.

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation describing the importance of an IMC strategy.

Slide 1: Title Slide (Name of Company, student name and teacher’s name.)
Slide 2-3: Describe the importance of a marketing communication strategy for the laundry service company.
Slide 3-4: Discuss the marketing goals for the company.
Slide 5-6: Analyze how the marketing communication strategy connects to the marketing goal of the company.
Slide 7-8: Discuss how the marketing communications strategy be measured.
Slide 8-9: Include any additional information to support the IMC strategy to your partner.
Slide 10: Conclusion

Sample Solution

ters in her novel, Maureen centers around the change from a battle for who will subsidize and run the ‘Indian’ clinics, to a battle concerning whether they will be closed down. Native people group retaliated in the mid 1960’s as the Indian Health Service started discusses “escaping the medical clinic business” (Lux, 2016, p. 130). Lux brings up how around then, the paces of admissions to these clinics were declining; which might have been utilized as thinking to close them down. What’s more, however, the circumstances inside the emergency clinics were additionally genuinely declining, and their conclusion might have been an affirmation of these genuine blemishes (Lux, 2016). As emergency clinics shut due to the absence of financing from the public authority and refusal from Indigenous people groups to spend their restricted assets on something they accepted was their major right, save local area individuals started to retaliate and request that they get the medical services they merit (Lux, 2016). The Native people group contended that the strategies, for example, the “Wellbeing Plan for Indians” set up to energize “local self-assurance” and basically required Aboriginal individuals to give their own medical care in the event that the areas proved unable, was just a ploy to seem liberal while leaving the most helpless against endure (Lux, 2016, p. 153). Without fail, the necessities of white Canadians were focused on and Indigenous individuals were given no choice except for to acclimatize or endure (Lux, 2016). As Lux clarifies, Aboriginal people group wouldn’t acknowledge this destiny and kept on requesting their deal right to better medical services (Lux, 2016, p. 160).

Separate Beds closes off with an explicit assertion by Lux that exhibits the many years it took for the Indigenous people group in Canada to battle for better consideration from different government offices. Notwithstanding the IHS and the DIA’s different endeavors to seclude Aboriginal individuals utilizing government strategies and serious abuse, Indigenous people group had the option to accomplish their objectives in certain circumstances (Lux, 2016). One illustration of this was the point at which the IHS attempted to close the North Battleford Indian Hospital, through arrangements with the region and the Notre Dame Hospital. When the local area learned with regards to this arrangement, they started to oppose (Lux, 2016, p. 165). After an opposition and forward, with boards made to decide the circumstances inside and value of the clinic, a report by an exceptional team expressing that the ‘Indians’ basically di

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