Intellectual critique of a qualitative research study


Using the “Guidelines for Identifying the Steps of the Qualitative Research Process” (Chapter 18 of your textbook, pg. 445), select a research study on a topic of your choice and provide an analysis of the study according to the guidelines in your text. Each step should be clearly labeled as headings and you need to support your claims with solid references. Include at least four (4) scholarly citations.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500-2000 words

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least four (4) scholarly sources to support your claims.




Sample Solution


1.1 Introduction

The need of moral duty in authority for good administration is unavoidable. Defilement is exploitative and unlawful practice that ruins the improvement of good administration both in broad daylight and private organizations. The far reaching of defilement in nearby government specialists propels the need of leading an experimental investigation. This examination depended on the examination on the residents’ points of view on moral authority for good administration in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania as the zone of study. With regards to moral administration for good administration, the residents’ points of view secured three territories of social help conveyance including land administrations, wellbeing administrations and training administrations. This section incorporates the foundation to the examination, an announcement of the exploration issue, destinations of the investigation and the essentialness of the examination. Different angles incorporate the meaning of key ideas and ultimately the restrictions experienced during the investigation.

1.2 Background of the Research Problem

The issue of moral duty is the length of mankind itself. At whatever point individual is, there is consistently the inquiry what is and should be. The most crude individuals built up their originations of what is great and what is awful, what isn’t to be done, and what is appropriate in various circumstances (Kropotkin, 1922:54). Over four centuries Before Common Error (B.C.) there showed up critics and amoralists who didn’t perceive the compulsory idea of good standards. As indicated by critics, “great” and “abhorrence” are relative (Kropotkin, 1922:56). Then again, morals was upheld by the best Greek Philosophers: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The maker of morals as an investigation of profound quality was Greek Philosopher Socrates (470-399 B.C.) who utilized morals to characterize the particulars of human ideals (Bozovic, 2007:173).

During the antiquated time the topic of morals was featured by Socrates who reacted to the sophistic manipulative propensity of truth who utilized their scholarly aptitudes to cause an inappropriate to show up right and right show up wrong. It is Socrates through his persuasive strategy who figures out how to have any kind of effect between what is great and what is terrible. Socrates emerged as an opponent of the Sophists for the sake of genuine information (Kropotkin, 1922:57). As indicated by Socrates, the most significant individual qualities are uprightness, mental fortitude, trustworthiness, resistance, goodness, genuineness and decency (Bozovic, 2007:173). Socrates accepted that, excellence can be educated, for example that goodness is information. A man must recognize what is great so as to do great (Bozovic, 2007:174). This examination was inspired by the very reality that, the general public is influenced by moral uncertainty and moral disappointments by certain pioneers who really don’t have a clue what they are doing and what to do, for instance, awkward pioneers or they decided not to do what they should do, for example degenerate pioneers. State-of-the-art, some open heads act like skeptics by utilizing their scholarly abilities and positions to make right show up off-base and wrong show up right. Some of pioneers act with moral goals however because of their ineptitude, they make untrustworthy results. Cost (2000) refered to in Ciulla (2005:162) contended that the ethical disappointments of pioneers are not constantly deliberate yet now and then they are psychological and once in a while they are regulating. Psychological record implies that pioneers neglect to take up their moral duty in view of two reasons. To start with, they don’t comprehend the substance and the extent of that profound quality. On the substance of ethical quality, pioneers don’t have the foggiest idea how to carry on, act and limit on themselves. On the extent of profound quality, pioneers botch the extension. For instance, a few heads may go to work environment late consistently with no grave reasons imagining that individuals are obliged to hang tight for the pioneer. Second, regulating account implies that the pioneers realize how to carry on morally. By and by, because of their will and want on personal matters they decide not to carry out their responsibilities consequently moral obligation disappointment. They are not prepared to forfeit their prompt personal matters for the benefit of all. For instance in 1978, the late Dictator Idd Amin Dada of Uganda attacked Tanzania with the aim to add Kagera locale as a major aspect of Uganda. Sophistic manipulative happens until today to cause the great to show up terrible and awful show up great. It implies that, some open heads purposefully break the code of morals of specific culture or association for their own personal circumstances notwithstanding the general public and reality.

From the perceptions in day by day life there has been some of neighborhood government pioneers’ contribution into wrong activities especially defilement as one among the enormous issues in administration among others. Therefore, responsiveness and responsibility that are one of the components of majority rule and great administration is absent. The moral duty of serving all individuals inside a sensible time period turns into a moral issue in nearby government specialists. Since the 1998 Local Government Reform, there came an enormous number of instances of degenerate conduct among the officials and individuals from nearby government specialists. Therefore, there has been a lot of hypothesis with respect to the reasons for this expansion and the uprightness of the general population administration for the most part. Be that as it may, there has been moderately little research of a portion of the more extensive moral issues present openly administration. The discoveries on moral authority and moral [good] administration show somewhat that, the residents’ viewpoints have been disregarded in the talk of regulatory morals (Salminen 2010: v &vii). The perspectives on residents are profoundly required as criteria for moral administration to create. The authority that isn’t grounded in morals does not have the limit with regards to accomplishing great administration. Northouse (2007:346) noticed that morals are vital to initiative and expressed, “Pioneers help and build up and fortify authoritative qualities”. Morals is tied in with considering potential activities and in this way potential results while ethical quality is tied in with acting as indicated by a lot of pre-concurred rules. There are three focuses to consider on moral administration. What it is? Why it is pivotal? Also, how to rehearse it? In a basic manner, moral authority is tied in with knowing and making the right decision. At the point when a pioneer is learned on what is correct, the best thing ought to be finished. In spite of that is known as volition since the person wills and wants to act dishonestly. Then again, being oblivious on the substance and extent of the morals is called intellectual. In any case, both the volition and intellectual can prompt the moral disappointment in authority. Moral authority comprises of two components. To start with, moral pioneers need to act and settle on choices basing on morals of authority. Second, moral pioneers need to lead their devotees morally in the manner they treat them in all parts of individual. Moral initiative must be both obvious and imperceptible. The unmistakable part depends on how a pioneer functions and treats others in activities and inactions. The imperceptible piece of moral authority incorporates the outlook, pioneers’ character and guideline on which a pioneer draws choice both transparently just as secretly( of chapters/initiative/administration thoughts/moral administration/primary).

The parts of moral administration to specify a couple incorporate; setting aside the sense of self and personal circumstances for the regular interests, competency for adequacy and effectiveness and tolerating duty just as responsibility. Ciulla (2005:163) commented that both deontological and teleological hypotheses expected to represent the morals of pioneers. A decent pioneer must be moral and successful. A pioneer needs to act as indicated by obligation and with some idea of the best great as a primary concern. For what reason should pioneers be moral? Pioneers should be moral; first, pioneers should be good examples for the network and an association. Socrates instructed that uprightness isn’t a disclosure from the divine beings yet a normal natural information on what is really great and of what makes man fit for living without abusing others yet treating them legitimately; makes him equipped for serving society; and not himself alone. Without this, general public is unfathomable (Kropotkin, 1922:57). In Northouse (2007:346) commented that the pioneer’s impact has huge effect on their devotees’ lives. He noticed that such impact has an incredible moral weight and obligation. Second, moral initiative forms trust to the individuals. It is a lot simpler for a moral chief to be trailed by their devotees as opposed to untrustworthy pioneer who uses power and terrorizing. Third, moral authority gives validity and regard both to the pioneer and the network or an association. For example, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the main President of Tanzania was exceptionally regarded inside and without the country. It was because of his trustworthiness, he was both moral pioneer and good pioneer for an incredible duration. The moral administration ought to be practiced constantly by anybody in the situation of authority. Regardless of whether the pioneer is formal or casual, worldwide or not global should follow up on premise of morals of initiative. An accentuation is put on moral initiative in light of the fact that any activity or inaction will influence person and their surroundings that may imperil their life( of chapters/administration/authority thoughts/moral authority/fundamental).

The significance of morals of authority focuses on both the activity of driving and what really pioneers do, what pioneers ought to resemble and their duties and associations with adherents. It is by all accounts a general worry that the world everywhere is getting less mindful about the significance of moral concerns. Joined Nations Development Program (UNDP, 2001:1) saw that there is a pressing requirement for moral practices openly benefits. As indicated by Kernaghan &Langlord (1990:140), untrustworthy be



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