Interest Groups in the United States

Do you feel it is beneficial that we have countless interest groups that have an influence on our political system?
Do interest groups end up helping the powerful segments of society at the expense of the collective good?
Would America be better or worse if interest groups were eliminated?

Sample Solution

Virgil’s Aeneid is an epic story that recounts the ascent of Roman saint Aeneas and, in the same way as other such works of art, is filled to the overflow with ruthlessness. From its origin to its last lines, the Aeneid creates as a story characterized by noteworthy scenes of harmful power and lethal brutality that bring about countless fatalities. Notwithstanding, it is only from time to time that such demonstrations of savagery are profitable in understanding their expected results or bearing powerful outcomes. In that capacity, most demonstrations of fatal viciousness in the Aeneid end up being futile as they neglect to accomplish their objectives and rather will in general impact extraordinary catastrophes as they unfurl to the detriment of story’s characters.

Probably the most punctual occurrence of dangerous brutality in the Aeneid is that distressed by the Queen Dido of Carthage unto herself. Whereupon the resentful goddess Juno contrives to additionally prevent Aeneas from satisfying the destiny that would bring about the devastation of her most darling city, she dispatches Cupid to incite the sovereign to begin to look all starry eyed at Aeneas. Juno’s arrangement to slow down Aeneas in Carthage is viable just until Mercury seems to caution him that he should before long resume his excursion and Aeneas consents to swear off his solace for fate. In any case, Aeneas’ powerlessness to hand-off the updates on takeoff to his darling isn’t trifled with by Dido, who concludes preferably to end her own life over to live with such disaster. For what she sees as a selling out, Dido curses Aeneas and calls upon the divine beings to “let/him endure war and battles with daring/nations[,]…/ask help and watch his kin’s disgraceful slaughter[,]… fall/before his time[, and to]… chase down/with contempt every one of his children and race to come” (Virgil IV.848-859). She at that point pushes herself onto a sword in a fire and executes herself. Dido surrenders herself to lethal brutality at her own hands as a demonstration of penance to the divine beings in its most excellent structure. She plans that through her definitive slaughter and generosity the divine beings will hear her last requests and rebuff Aeneas for the torment that he has caused her. Dido’s passing at first prevails with regards to acquiring the pity of Juno, who without a moment’s delay parts of the bargains, yet it at last neglects to gather its proposed force. While Aeneas encounters war as the story continues, most of Dido’s revile disperses as Aeneas’ destiny ends up being unchanging; he is bound to be prevailing by a productive heredity that will found an incredible domain, and neither the scourges of Dido nor the retribution of Juno are equipped for adjusting that destiny. In this way, the sovereign’s outrageous demonstration of fatal viciousness unto herself at last ends up being useless as it misses the mark regarding delivering any proposed or viable outcomes. Aeneas’ destiny stays unaltered by Dido’s lethal urgency, and in this way renders her purposeful demise pointless.

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