International Economics








Prepare a short (around10-14 pages long) research paper on one of the following topics:

1. Trade Policy of …. (a country of your choice)
2. Exchange Rate Policy of … (a country of your choice)
3. Structural Adjustment Policies in …. (a country or an economic region of your choice)
4. Monetary Policy in … (a country or a region) after the Global Financial and Economic Crisis of 2007-2012
5. Anti-Poverty Strategies and Policies in … (a country or an economic region of your choice)
6. Economic and Financial Repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paper format:
Title page (title, author’s name, abstract)
I. Introduction (state the main purpose of your study, briefly describe the working hypothesis, also describe the analytical model (if any) and the methodology, paper organization)
II. Literature overview
III. The model description or core analytical discussion of the main concept
IV. Empirical evidence
V. Conclusions
Footnotes, tables, figures can be included in the main text.

Useful internet library resources:
Social Science Research Network
Research Papers in Economics
Economists Online
The German National Library of Economics
FRB St. Louis database:
Google Scholar:
Scientific Commons
Bank for International Settlements
IMF – Global Financial Stability Reports:
and others.








Sample Solution

Conversion Therapy

Conversion therapy is a form of discrimination and repression, which harms victims and may further isolate them. Many acts of conversion therapy bear strong similarities to internationally acknowledged acts of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment. These acts will subject the individual to significant or severe mental and physical pain and suffering with long-term harmful effects, as the treatment is inherently humiliating, demeaning and discriminatory. Children and minors are particularly vulnerable, with a sharp increase of suicidal and depressive tendencies in those who have experienced conversion therapy. Health professionals should refuse to conduct conversion therapy and should report colleagues who advertise or perform it to the authorities. National medical and mental health associations should take the appropriate steps to work with state authorities and governments to pass laws which ban conversion therapy. Furthermore, states have a responsibility to regulate health and education services and rid it of this harmful practice, which some promote.

months. The panel’s report can only be rejected by consensus in the Dispute Settlement Body. However, it is difficult to overturn the report submitted by the panel as the conclusion is drawn by the panel based on the arguments advanced by the parties to the disputes.

Once the panel concludes the arguments and comes to a conclusion, the report shall be sent to the parties. The report shall then be circulated to all the World Trade Organization members within three weeks. If the panel decides that the disputed trade measure does break a WTO agreement or an obligation, it recommends that the measure be made to conform with WTO rules. The panel may suggest how it could be done. The report submitted by the panel shall be adopted by the Dispute Settlement Body within 60 days unless a consensus rejects it.

The Appellate Body is a permanent body of seven members entrusted with the task of reviewing the legal aspects of the reports issued by panels. The Appellate Body is thus the second and final stage in the adjudicatory part of the dispute settlement system. The Appellate Body did not exist in the old dispute settlement system under GATT 1947. It was decided by the member nations in the Uruguay round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations in respect of the Appellate Body to hear the appeals from the Dispute Settlement Body.

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