Internet companies.

Select 2 internet companies. thus allowing you make reasonable comparisons. Between Whole Foods and Fresh Market.
You will write a professional assessment and comparison of their web-based E-Marketing strategies. Specifically you need to: 1. Describe their business model in terms of key product(s), target markets, and key benefits to their customers. Think of all aspects such as product attributes, branding, support services, etc. 2. Pricing strategies, including payment options. 3. Distribution strategies using the internet. Remember, if possible, compare differences between the distribution techniques used for the clicks component and the bricks component. 4. E-marketing communication instruments and formats (which includes but not limited to public relations, publicity (buzz online), internet advertising, direct marketing, sales promotions online). 5. Customer relationship management and customer engagement 6. Critique of the companies’ websites in terms of aesthetics and functionality. 7. Overall assessment as to which company has the superior E-marketing strategy, as well as recommendations for both companies for improving their E-marketing strategies in the future.

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